Zouis: Three little surprises

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Request sent in by @EllaStoran I hope it is okay the way you want it sorry if it isn't the best

"Douglass please wait for papa" Louis says as he tries to keep up with the eager toddler who wanted to go to the playground that day but he had to wait for papa and his two other brothers to catch up to him, so he could go and play on the playground that afternoon since the boys didn't want to take a nap at all like they should

Douglass stopped in his tracks and waited for papa to come

"Austin and Zachary stay close to your brother for me please" Louis says as he figures out the rope that he wanted to use for the boys so they wouldn't get lost cause he was pushing the boys baby sister in the stroller

"Okay papa" Austin says as he holds Zach's and Douglass's hand for papa

"Thank you" Louis says as he has the boys each take a color ring, so they could head to the playground to play since Niall was at work

Once on the playground Louis let the boys go and play while he watched from behind cause there was a lot of playground equipment for the boys to climb on and play on, so he was going to be watching from behind the fence close by one of the gates, so if the boys got hurt he could run to see what happened

"Okay cutie pie we are going to be in the shade while your brothers play for a little bit" Louis says as he lays the blanket down for him and the baby girl who was in her stroller

The baby girl was sleeping peacefully as papa gets her out of her stroller

"Louis" Zayn says as he sees Louis in the shade

Louis didn't know who was calling his name until he looked over to see the famous Zayn Malik standing there in the bluff

"Zayn" Louis says when he sees Zayn

"What are you doing here?" Louis asks as he picks up the baby girl who was still sleeping like a little angel

"Well I brought my daughter Jasmine to the park for some fresh air" Zayn says as he gets the awake baby out of her stroller as well

"She is just darling Zayn" Louis says when he sees the baby that was in Zayn's arms

"I know she is" Zayn says when one of Louis's boys come over to him

"Papa" Zachary says as he approaches him

"Yes buddy" Louis says as he looks at his son in question

"I got an owie can you make it better please?" Zachary asks him

"Sure buddy sit on the blanket and papa will take care of your owie for you" Louis says as he reaches into the diaper bag for the first aid kit that he always brings when they go out on outings

Zachary sits down and waited for papa to take care of his owie for him

"Louis is Zachary mine?" Zayn asks after he had studied the little boy who was on the blanket with papa

"Yes along with Douglass and Austin who are playing on the playground still i see from here" Louis says when he checks on the boys who were still playing together like good brothers they are

Zayn looks at the other boys who were playing together 

"I see Douglass has my hair" Zayn says as he looks at the little boy who was running on the playground now

"Yes as well as your nose, and Austin has your skin color" Louis says as he feeds the baby girl who was starting to get a little fussy as she woke up from her slumber

"Can we get back together for their sake cause i want to get to know them I have two years to make up with the boys. I want to be there for my boys cause they are my job to take care of my kids and not no one else" Zayn says as Zachary goes back out on the playground to play with his brothers again

"Zayn I am going have to say no" Louis says to him as he continues to feed the baby girl that he had in his arms

"Why Louis?" Zayn asks him

"I can't trust you" Louis says as he sets the bottle down so he could burp the baby girl who was done with her formula 

"Why?" Zayn asks Louis

"When I told you I was pregnant with the boys you left me high and dry Zayn, so I turned to Niall who was there for me the whole pregnancy he was there for when I found out I was having the boys, and he even did the nursery for them. He was my coach in the delivery room when I had the boys. He kept me going the whole time cause having three babies take a lot out of you. He cut all three of their umbilical cords, and when Austin wasn't breathing after he was born Niall held him skin to skin to get his breathing back up to where it should be. Plus Niall helped me with the boys when I was released from the hospital juggling three babies isn't the easiest thing to do either" Louis says as he rocks the baby girl who he had in his arms 

"Please Louis for me?" Zayn asks him cause he really did want to be with the boys and spend some time with them and get to know them one by one

"Okay we will have to do it in secret so Niall doesn't know that we are together cause this is our baby girl" Louis says in a whisper as Zayn went over to push Douglass on the swing cause Douglass wanted someone to push him on the swing and Louis couldn't since he had the baby with him and he didn't want to leave her alone 

Zayn was happy that him and Louis were able to be a family when they could

"No funny business Zayn and if you pull anything we ain't going to be together" Louis says as he lays the baby down so she could sleep

"Okay Louis" Zayn says as he plays with the boys a little bit

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