Narry: Keep trying

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This one was sent in by @Narryschoncer I hope it is okay and sorry if it is late love I hope it is the way you want it as well

Niall Horan and Harry Styles have been married for six years and they wanted to start a family really bad, but Niall was having trouble carrying the baby to term

"It's negative Harry" Niall says as he came out of the bathroom with a test that he took to see if he was pregnant and he was not 

"Niall we can adopt I think we need to take a break from baby making and adopt a little angel that really needs us as their parents" Harry says as he hugs Niall close since Niall really wanted a bay but it was not in the cards for them to have a baby right now 

"Okay let's head down to the orphanage in a few weeks cause i want to get the room ready or rooms just in case we get twins or something" Niall says to Harry 

"I have been working on that in-between projects and we have a rooms for a boy and for a girl too Niall" Harry says as he looks at Niall

"Even a nursery?" Niall asks him

"Yup two nurseries are waiting for that perfect one to join our family" Harry says to Niall

"Okay we can go down in the morning and get our little one" Niall says as he was going to go to bed since he was tired from the day in general and sleep sounded good right about now 

Harry was happy that they were going to be starting their family, and Niall was kind of in the middle since he wanted to be the one to carry their child and not be the other way around 

(Next day)

"Hey sweetie aren't you cute" Niall says when he sees a baby girl that was playing with some toys 

"She has a twin" the caretaker says to Harry and Niall 

"We will take them both as our girls" Harry says as Niall was in love with the first twin 

Harry and Niall signed the paperwork for the girls to be adopted and when the paperwork was done they headed home with the girls who were five months old 

"Niall these girls were meant to be ours" Harry says as they were buckling the girls in so they could go home 

"Maybe your right" Niall says as he was buckling her twin in so they could go home 

Harry and Niall loved the girls so much and they would not change a thing to get them back 

(Two months later)

"Niall are you okay?" Harry asks as he hears Niall getting sick 

"Last night supper is not agreeing with me is all" Niall says as he gets sick again 

Harry left Niall alone and he did not want the twins to get sick either 

(Days later)

"Niall i think you may be pregnant this time" Harry says as he was potty training one of the girls since Niall wanted the girls out of diapers by their first birthday and so far it was working with the twins

"I might" Niall says as he was going to take one of the tests he has on tap just in case he was pregnant 


"Well?" Harry asks him

"I guess I'm pregnant" Niall says as he looks at Harry       

"That's wonderful Niall" Harry says as he hugs Niall since he was very happy that they were going to have one of their own 

"I want to keep the girls though" Niall says as he was looking at the twins cause the twins have grown on him and taking them back now was not a option in his book cause he wanted his princesses

"Me too i love them to death especially the one she is too perfect she is almost my mini-me with the curls" Harry says as he was looking at the babies as they crawled over to their daddies since they wanted the attention 

"I love how the other one has brown hair and baby blue eyes like me" Niall says as he looked at her twin 

Harry and Niall spent the rest of the day with their girls and giving them a lot of attention since the attention was going to change down the road with the new baby that was going to be coming into the picture soon 

(Months later)

"I can't believe we are going to find out the gender today" Harry says since the girls were a year old and they were very outgoing for their age 

"Me either i want a boy since we got our girls" Niall says as one of the twins come over to him since she wanted to be held by papa 

"Me too a boy will be perfect and he can protect his sisters down the road" Harry says as he was referring to the twins one of which was with papa at the moment 

Niall and Harry found out it was a boy and they were over the moon about their little guy joining the family in a few months and they could not wait to meet him 

V & C

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