Ziam: I'll come back

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Request sent in by @jfakeliampayne Hope it is okay sorry it's super late

Liam Payne was madly in love with Zayn Malik his fellow band member, and he had a hard time confessing his love for him

"Zayn where you going?" Liam asks him when the band had a day off and the other guys were running around and exploring where they were at the moment 

"I need to take some time for me right now I am overworked stressed out, so I need to get away for a few days" Zayn says after he had packed his bags and was ready to leave to catch the night flight back to England 

"Don't be gone too long man" Liam says to Zayn 

"I won't" Zayn says before he left 

Liam was planning the perfect way he was going to tell Zayn that he loved him when he returned to the band hopefully in a couple of days cause Liam couldn't wait that long to see the love of his life once again 

(Couple of days later)

"Guys gather round" their manager says to them as he calls a meeting to tell them some news that he had just got about Zayn 

Niall comes over kissing Louis neck cause those two were madly in love with one another, and both were pregnant with a little one. Harry comes over holding their mic's 

"Well guys this is a blow to all of us Zayn has left the band for good and he isn't coming back at all for the rest of the tour" their manager says to them cause this was a shock to him as well with Zayn leaving the band and wanting to do something else with his life

(Few days later)

"Another round" Zayn called to the bartender 

The bartender gave him another drink of course 

"Zayn is that you?" Liam asks as he came over to Zayn cause the band had another break so he decided to go to the bar since Louis and Niall were going to check on their 

"Liam how did you find me?" Zayn asks him when he saw him 

"Just luck is all" Liam says to him 

"Want to go do it?" Zayn asks as he gives Liam that look of what to go to a hotel some place and do it

"Of course" Liam says as he pays for his drinks before leaving to go with Zayn 

"Protection or no protection?" Zayn asks him 

"None it's not like we can get pregnant" Liam says as he follows Zayn to the hotel where they were going to do it at 

Zayn and Liam start on the floor and they make their way to the bed 

(Next morning)

Zayn was the first one to wake up from the night and he sees that him and Liam slept completely in the nude, so he decided to leave before Liam wakes up cause they didn't do it with protection and if Liam was one of those males that can carry a baby he wouldn't be able to be there for Liam cause he wanted to have his own life 

(Three months later)

"Liam why are you still sick?" Niall asks as he was rubbing his bump where his daughter was 

"I don't know I am going to see what is going on with me and then go from there I guess" Liam says as he heads to the local clinic to see what was going on with him and why he was so sick 

After the appointment Liam was shocked to find out that he was pregnant and the baby was Zayn's


"Liam do you know what is wrong with you?" Louis asks when him and Niall were feeling each other's belly's 

"Yes unfortunately I'm pregnant too" Liam says as he looks down at his belly that was ever changing 

"Congrats Li" Niall says as he comes over to Liam 

"Yeah thanks" Liam says as he goes and sits down cause he needed to take this all in cause he was going to be a single parent to this baby 

(Due date)

"Okay Mr. Payne one more push and you will have your little one" the doctor tells Liam 

Liam pushed until the baby had slipped from him 

"It'a girl" the doctor says as he holds up the screaming newborn who wasn't a happy camper 

"Hi sweetie" Liam says as he accepts his little girl from the doctor to hold her for the very first time since he had her

(Two years later)

"Romania slow down" Liam says as he chases after the toddler on the playground cause he decided to take his little girl to the playground to play with Niall's and Louis's little girls who were her age 

Romania went straight to the sandbox cause she saw her friends there, and they played until her friends had to go home 

"Romania you can play a little longer" Liam says as he looks at her cause she had been fed, changed and everything so they could stay at the park a little longer that night

"Liam is that you?" Zayn asks as he comes in with a stroller

"Hi Zayn nice to see you" Liam says as he continues to watch his daughter 

"Is that?" Zayn asks when he sees a little girl who liked him 

"Yes Zayn that is your daughter Romania" Liam says as he doesn't talk to Zayn after what Zayn had did to him all those years ago 

Zayn goes to the little girl that was playing in the sandbox by herself 

"Hi Romania" Zayn says as he goes to the little girl that was in the sandbox playing 

The little girl looks at him with her pretty eyes 

"Liam she has her eyes" Zayn says as he looks at Liam 

"Yes Zayn she has my eyes and she got everything else from you" Liam says to Zayn as he comes over to pick the little girl up cause it was getting late and they needed to go home

"Can i be in her life please Liam I miss half of her life and I want to be there for the rest of it" Zayn asks Liam as Liam was leaving with their little girl 

"Sure Zayn I can't keep you from seeing your daughter" Liam says as he looks into Zayn's eyes when Zayn came back with the little girl 

Zayn was happy to be with his daughter again

"Zayn who is this little cutie?" Liam asks Zayn 

"I want you to say hi to my little girl" Zayn says to Liam as he picks the baby up cause she started to get fussy a little bit

"She is darling" Liam says when he sees the baby as they were heading home 

"Thanks for letting me in her life" Zayn says as he looks at Liam as they headed home   

Zayn was happy that he was going to be with his daughter finally. Liam and Zayn lived happily ever after and they added to their family after they got married

V & C

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