Larry: The long waited baby

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Harry and Louis have been together for a long time and they have been married for five years, and they desperately wanted a child really bad, and they were trying everything to have that child that wanted really bad

"Did we hear anything from our surrogate?" Harry asks Louis

"No" Louis says as he looks at the baby clothes that he had bought that day cause he was longing for a child he went out and got baby clothes and one of those dolls that look like a baby

"Anything from overseas?" Harry asks him

"Not yet, and I am hoping we will have a match there cause this feels so weird dressing a baby like this and not being able to play with them" Louis says to him

"I know the feeling i got these cute clips out while I was out" Harry says as he shows Louis the hair clips that he had picked up

"We might as well put them to good use" Louis says to Harry

"Yes we should" Harry says as he help Louis with the clips

Harry sees another doll in the corner

"She was a bad girl she hit her sister" Louis says to him

"Pepper did you hit your sister?" Harry asks her

Pepper didn't respond

"Any news from the orphanages?" Harry asks Louis

"They won't let us adopt cause we are gay" Louis says to him cause he was ready to cry at any moment

"Oh no what about you?" Harry asks Louis cause they have been doing unprotected for many months now to see if Louis was able to have a child

"I did go to the doctor today" Louis says as he gets up to grab something that the doctor gave him

"And are you pregnant?" Harry asks him

Louis hands Harry the picture that the doctor gave him

"Is that what I think it is?" Harry asks him

"Yes Harry it is" Louis says to him

'I can't believe we are going to be having a baby" Harry says as he kisses Louis

"I can't believe it either" Louis says to Harry as he looks down at his flat stomach that is going to change over the course of these many months

"We must tell everyone that we know that we are going to be parents" Harry says as he sets off to let Niall, Liam and Zayn know that they are going to be parents 

"Plus we got to tell our folks too that we are expecting a baby" Louis says to him

"Of course we do" Harry says as he sends a huge text to everyone that they know that him and Louis is having a baby

Louis decided to take to twitter to announce that they are having a baby

All of the fans on twitter was excited that Louis and Harry was having a baby and couldn't wait to see the bump pictures that were going to be coming in the coming months from Louis twitter and instagram

"Well what do we do now?" Harry asks after he sent the huge text to everyone to wait for their response to the news that he told everyone

"Well we can start to work on the nursery a little bit and start doing pictures to document the pregnancy" Louis says to him

"We can do that and then we can work on the little girl room just in case we get approve" Harry says to him

"That sounds amazing cause i want to pick out paint for both rooms too" Louis says to him

"I don't have any problems with that" Harry says to him

"That's good" Louis says as they start to work on the nursery a little bit cause Harry was going to be painting while Louis was shopping and staying out of the way

They moved everything out of the soon to be nursery and put it in storage for now

"Perfect now to get paint samples and bring it home" Harry tells Louis

"Yes" Louis says as he kisses Harry

"I got my phone just in case the others call or text us to see how you are doing" Harry says to him

"Right now the nausea is low but I am going to lay down in the backseat of the car just in case, so I don't get sick in the car" Louis says as they head out to the car to go get paint for the rooms cause this is pretty exciting time for the both of them

(Three months later)

"Is today the day that our little Italian girl comes to America?" Harry asks Louis 

"Yes and I think today is the day we find out what we are having too" Louis says to him as they head for the airport to get the two year old that was coming from Italy

"This is a big day for us then" Harry says to him

"Yes it is and I can't wait to see the little Italian girl come off the plane, and into our arms" Louis says to him

"Me either" Harry says to him as they head for the airport to get the Italian girl that was coming

(Much later)

"Little one it's okay" Louis says as he comforts her after the caretaker handed her over to them after they met them

"Yes you are safe with daddy and papa" Harry says to her as he strokes her cheek

The Italian girl was speaking Italian the whole time Harry and Louis was leaving with her

"I wish i could make this easier on her" Harry says as they head for their car

"Me too" Louis says as he walks with the little girl

Louis held her as they went to the doctor's office to see what they were having

"I think we need Niall here and he will know how to calm her down" Harry says to Louis

"Plus if we give him what we are having he can have the bakery close by do an Italian cookie with the filling inside being pink or blue" Louis says to Harry

The little girl perked up when she heard cookie

"That got her" Harry says to Louis

"Yes it did" Louis says as Niall comes down to take care of the gender and getting the Italian girl something to welcome her to America like a happy meal

"She has to hold off until we can get the gender reveal cookies done and then she will be happy" Harry says to Louis

"Yes she will be" Louis says as the little girl eats her food outside of the doctor's office

Harry and Louis were excited to find out that they were having a girl

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