Lirry: Long and painful part 3

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  @fanfictionaddict101  asked for part 3 and part three you should have and here we go  

"This is a big Maternity ward," Liam says as they approached their room.

"Yeah it is I think our room is close." Harry says as he the walk down the hall to their delivery room.

"I can't wait until all four of our babies are in this nursery" Liam says as they stopped to look at the babies that were in the nursery.

"Me either. They'll be so little and cute in there!" Harry says as they continue to head for the room. Liam and Harry saw the cutest little girl in the room laying in the bed.

"She stays here every night cause it is too cold out there for her" The nurse says as she came to get the little girl who was sound asleep.

"We can take her." Harry says. He really wanted to hold the little girl, because she looked so cuddly when she was asleep.

"She has a brother as well. He is sleeping in the other room. I'll get him." the nurse says to Harry and Liam.

Harry went into the bathroom with the little girl since she woke up and was asking to go potty. After he helped her, he was changed into a gown.

"She is just the cutest little thing." Liam says to Harry.

"I know she is. I already love her." Harry says from inside the bathroom.

"Do you want me to clean your glasses for you?" Harry asks the kids since they were wearing glasses.

They nodded as they looked at Harry since they were scared out of their mind. Harry saw the lenses were cracked on both glasses and he was going to make a note to get new lenses as soon as he could, so the kids could see a little better.

"Hey Harry hey Liam" Niall says as he comes into the room with the little girl that he had found in Louis's room 

"Hey Niall" Harry says as Liam was holding the little boy 

"Is Louis having the baby?" Harry asks Niall 

"Yeah he is and he is coming down so we can hang with you two for a little bit" Niall says as he fixes the little girl glasses that he had in his arms 

"Perfect" Harry says as he was going to sit down cause the nurse came into the room to set up the I.V and check Harry to see how far he was dilated and how the four babies were doing right now 

Once Harry was checked and the I.V was in Harry and Louis decided to walk while Niall and Liam took the kids to one of the shoppes to get some clothes and get changed 

"Where was your little girl when you came?" Harry asks Louis 

"In the bathroom the poor thing was stuck to the potty and she was really scared and we got her loose and she has been stuck to us ever since" Louis says as they were walking the ward a little bit 

Harry had to stop for contractions 

"Easy Harry" Louis says as he was massaging his back as he was in labor 

"Thanks Lou" Harry says as he looks at Louis 

"What are you going to name the twins?" Louis asks as he walks with Harry some more 

"Jacob for the boy since he looks so cute" Harry says as they continued to walk to help with labor 

"The girl?" Louis asks him 

"Cheyenne" Harry says as they headed for the nursery 

"Cut they are great kids" Louis says as he was hit by a contraction 

"What are you going to name the little girl?" Harry asks as he was hit by a contraction as well 

"We are deciding that right now cause we want to have an agreement on the name" Louis says as he looks at Harry

"She is a doll" Harry says to Louis as they go back to walking the halls  

"I know she is and speaking of the pretty thing" Louis says when he sees his little girl 

The little girl hugs Louis leg and Harry's little girl hugs his leg while Liam came with the little boy in a stroller 

"Hey sweetie" Harry says as he kisses her as he held her hand as they continue to walk 

Cheyenne kissed her new papa 

"She is just the cutest" Liam says as he looks at the little boy who was in the stroller being a good boy 

Cheyenne got to know her best friend and she was glad she was going to have someone her age to play with 

"How are you doing babe?" Liam asks Harry 

"In pain i can handle it now" Harry says as the group started to walk a little bit 

"Well our little boy can't walk and he will need help trying to walk on his own" Liam says as he was going to push the little boy 

"We have three of each and that is plenty" Harry says as he gets hit by another contraction

Cheyenne comforted papa as he was in pain and Harry loved that about the little angel

"I got her new glasses" Liam says to Harry 

"I see that and she looks better then ever and i love the style she has" Harry says as he looks at her

"I got them big brother and big sister shirts to wear since they are going to be older siblings" Liam says as they headed back to the room 

"That is so cute" Harry says as he experiences another contraction  

"I know she even asked for a tea set so you two can play tea party while i got shopping a bit more for the kids like car seats and all that" Liam says to Harry 

"Go I'll be fine Cheyenne and me can have some fun" Harry says as Louis comes in with his little girl since Niall left 

Liam went with Niall since they were going to go shopping for the kids 

V & C

Part 4 maybe i can go as many parts as you like 

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