Ziam: Hidden & born early

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Request sent in by @Zichael425 I hope you like it 

Zayn Malik has been pregnant with Liam's baby for six months and he hasn't told anyone not even the fans that he is pregnant and is going to be a mommy 

"How we doing little one?" Zayn asks his bump as he got ready cause that was the day that he was going to leave the band cause he was going to get bigger and there was no way he could hide the bump any longer

His little one gives him a kick

"I take it you are good come on mommy has to go into hiding until you are born, and we can't tell daddy about you" he says as he picks up his bags and heads out to where everyone was

"Hey Zayn" Harry says when he sees Zayn

"Are you going somewhere?" Louis asks as Niall as strumming his guitar to his bump cause Louis was pregnant with his and Niall's first child a girl 

"Yeah I have made the decision to leave the band. I can't say why right now cause it is complicated" Zayn says as he covers up for his bump cause he didn't tell the guys that he was pregnant with Liam's baby 

"Wait why?" Louis asks a little freaked out that Zayn was leaving the band

"I don't want to say Louis right now, but i will keep in touch with you guys" Zayn says as he heads out with his bags that had everything that he had brought with him on tour 

"Okay bye Zayn" Harry says as he hugs his best friend that he had known since the band was put together 

"Yeah bye Harry" Zayn says as he hugs Harry goodbye

"Take care" Niall says as he hugs Zayn

"I will take care of Louis" Zayn says as he hugs Niall

"I will" Niall says as he continues to hug Zayn

"Bye Louis take care of yourself cause you have a little one on the way" Zayn says as he side hugs Louis

"Yeah I will take care of her and I will name her Zoey after you Zayn" Louis says as he shows Zayn his bump 

"Bye Zoey I didn't get to meet you" Zayn says as he touches Louis stomach

Zayn leaves

"Hey Zayn you going somewhere?" Liam asks when he sees Zayn 

"Yeah I'm leaving the band Liam" Zayn says to Liam

"No you can't not right now we are in the middle of a huge tour and what will our fans think when you are gone" Liam says as he tries to have Zayn stay and continue the tour with them

"Liam I have made up my mind I am leaving the band for good and nothing can change my mind" Zayn says to Liam

"Zayn i love you I want us to be together on this tour and experience it all together" Liam says as he continues to freak out cause Zayn was leaving the band

"Liam I love you too, and I want us to be together too, and I have to do this" Zayn says as he tries to get Liam to calm down 

"No Zayn I will come with you cause I don't want to lose you like i did the first time" Liam says to Zayn

"You won't cause I still have the ring you gave me when you said this was a promise that you wouldn't be unfaithful anymore" Zayn says as he shows Liam the ring that Liam had given him on the one date that they went on 

"I know I don't want you to go Zayn what can i do to get you to stay with me cause I will do anything to have you to stay with me" Liam says as he pulls Zayn in for a passionate kiss

Soon Zayn was hit by a strong pain around his middle 

"Li" Zayn says as he looks into Liam's eyes

"Yes Z?" Liam asks as he looks at Zayn

"Can you take me to the hospital please cause I can't say right now" Zayn says to him

"Sure I can Z" Liam says as he motions for the others to follow him

Liam carries Zayn bridal style to a car to head to the hospital


"No baby not now mommy isn't ready for you to come" Zayn says as he talks to his bump as Liam takes him into the hospital

"Are you okay Z?" Liam asks him

"Yeah just fine" Zayn says as he looks up at Liam

"Zayn Malik" the nurse calls from the door 

Liam takes Zayn into where the nurse was

'What seems to be the problem?" the nurse asks him

"I am having these pains in my stomach and I am afraid that I am losing the b-a-b-y" Zayn says to her 

"Okay we have you go right into our ob room" the nurse says as she puts Zayn and Liam into the room

"Zayn are you pregnant?" Liam asks him

"Yes Liam I am and I am only six months along" Zayn says as he shows Liam his stomach 

Liam was shocked that Zayn was pregnant

"Hi baby" Liam says to Zayn's stomach

"Ahh" Zayn says as he searches for Liam's hand

"Contraction?" Liam asks him

"Yeah I think our little one is ready to meet us whether we are ready or not" Zayn says as he closes his eyes to deal with the pain 

"I am going to be here with you" Liam says as he kisses Zayn's hand as he was dealing with the pain

"Thanks Li" Zayn says as he kisses him

"Well Mr. Malik the baby is going to be born today, so we are going to move you up to labor and delivery to have the baby" the nurse says to him as they move Zayn up to labor and delivery 

"Will he have a c-section?" Liam asks her

"Yes he will cause the baby is small, and we have to get the baby out quickly" the nurse tells him 


"I hope the baby is okay" Zayn says as he was being cut opened

"I hope so too" Liam says when the doctor had announced that they have the baby

"Here we go it's a girl" the doctor says as he pulls the little baby girl from Zayn's stomach

"Why isn't she crying?" Zayn asks the doctor's cause he was worried for his baby girl

"Her lungs are under developed right now so she is going to get some extra care from the special team" the doctor says to Zayn and Liam

Zayn nods as he was stitched up from the birth 

"Will we see her?" Liam asks the doctor

"Yeah as soon as she is okay we will bring her to you" the doctor says as the team continues to work on the baby girl to get her to cry 


"Here is your little girl" a nurse says as she brings the baby in for Zayn and Liam to see

"Hi baby" Zayn says as he looks at the baby that was in her incubator

"She's so tiny" Liam says as he sees her

Zayn puts his finger in for the baby to squeeze

"Hi Tulip Hope Malik I'm your mommy" Zayn says as he talks to the baby 

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