Zouis: Baby after fight

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Request sent in by @Zichael425 I hope it is okay sorry it's late

Zayn Malik and his boyfriend Louis Tomlinson have been secretly dating for awhile now, and only their band mates know that they were dating

"Zayn come on I want to go out and let loose for a few minutes before show time" Louis says as he talks to Zayn who was on the couch not feeling the best right now

"Louis I want to rest for a little bit last night supper isn't agreeing with me right now" Zayn says as he looks at Louis

"You will feel better once you get up and move around a little bit" Louis says as he helps him up

Zayn got up and Louis saw the belly that Zayn had put on

"Zayn are you cheating on me?" Louis asks when he saw the belly that Zayn had on him

"Louis let me explain" Zayn says as he tries to explain the reason behind his big belly

"Zayn no need to explain you are pregnant by someone else cause apparently I can't give it all to you and you need someone else to be your candy man" Louis says to him

"Louis no it's not that" Zayn says as he protects the baby at all cost cause the baby could get hurt if Louis got really mad at him for this and Zayn would not let him touch their baby at all

"Then what is it then?" Louis asks as he looks at Zayn

Zayn couldn't find the right words to say it right now so he was in a bit of a pickle

"That's what I thought I'm leaving Zayn" Louis says to him

"No I'll leave forever Louis and I am never coming back ever" Zayn says as he goes and gets his bags so he could leave the band and Louis forever

"Fine by me" Louis says to him as Louis storms out and heads to go smoke

(Months later)

"Where's Zayn?" Niall asks when he doesn't see Zayn anywhere

"He left" Louis says to Niall

"Why?" Niall asks him

"We got into a fight I don't want to talk about it" Louis says as he looks away from his band mates that came into the same room that he was in

"What was it about?" Liam asks cause he was dying to see what the fight was about

"He was putting on weight so I accused him of cheating on me with another man" Louis says when Harry walks in cause Harry was pregnant as well

"Was he?" Harry asks as he looks at Louis

"I never gave him the chance to explain if he was cheating on me" Louis says as he looks down at the ground

"Invite him over to the concert and talk it over with him" Liam says to Louis

"It couldn't hurt to try" Niall says when he hears his daughter wake up from her slumber

Louis decided to call Zayn to see if he was up for coming to talk it out and see if he was being cheated on by Zayn


"Hey Louis you wanted to talk?" Zayn asks him 

"Yeah i do" Louis says as he guides Zayn into a private space so they could talk it over 

Zayn sat on the couch and Louis sat next to him 

"Zayn did you cheat on me?" Louis asks him 

"No Louis I didn't cheat on you at all. This baby is yours say hello to your daughter" Zayn says as he guides Louis hand to his bump to have Louis feel their little girl move within him 

Louis was shocked and blown away that Zayn was pregnant, the baby was his and he was going to have a little girl to spoil down the road 

"Hi sweetie this is your daddy i love you oh so very much" Louis says as he kisses Zayn's bump cause he was in love with his little girl already 

"She loves you Louis I want you to be there for her when she comes" Zayn says as he got a little emotional 

"I will be there for the both of you I ain't leaving either of you out of my sight for one minute" Louis says as they kiss

"Are we back together?" Zayn asks Louis

"Of course we are don't be silly Zayn I love you and our little princess who I can't wait to meet in a few months" Louis says as they kiss again 

"I am staying on the road with you if i go home she will not be happy that daddy isn't there to tuck her in at night when she can't sleep and if mommy is hungry she will need daddy to get her a snack" Zayn says to Louis 

"That is fine i want both of you on the road with us as we travel" Louis says to him 

Zayn smiled really big 

"I gave up partying and smoking for her" Zayn says to Louis 

"I am going to do the same" Louis says to Zayn cause he cared about Zayn and their little girl who was going to be given an Indian name when she comes 

Louis was beside Zayn's side the whole pregnancy and did anything that he could to make Zayn as comfy as he could until the time came for Zayn to have their little girl 

(Due date)

"Okay Mr. Malik one last push and the baby will be here" the nurse tells him 

"I can't" Zayn says as he shakes his head he was too tired and it was becoming too much on him 

"Zayn i believe in you one last push and we can see her" Louis tells him 

"Louis you do it I am too tired and I have no strength left to deliver her" Zayn says to Louis 

"I'll help you deliver I'll hold you up Zayn" Louis says as he props Zayn up so he could finish delivering the baby 

Zayn pushed until he heard that cry that their little girl was finally born and she was alive and well 

V & C 

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