Zianouarry: Larry double pregnancy

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Request sent in by @harrylover_salsa I hope it's okay 

Harry and Louis were both pregnant. Louis had triplets, and Harry had the quads. Niall was pregnant too but he only had one baby, and all of the babies were girls that was going to be interesting in the one direction house. Louis's two babies were sharing a placenta, so his pregnancy was extra special cause the guys didn't want Louis to lose one or  both of the babies which could be dangerous for the both of them 

"Louis what are you doing?" Zayn asks as he comes into the kitchen cause him and Liam were working on the nurseries upstairs for all six babies 

"Going to make myself something to eat is all" Louis says as he gets what he wanted from the fridge 

"Oh no go sit down Lou we can make you anything that you want" Liam says as he pushes Louis into the room where Niall was 

"Oh Louis would you like to watch something?" Niall asks cause he was watching golf on T.V

"No Niall not right now" Louis says as he rubs his huge bump where the babies were growing 

"Niall can I watch something?" Harry asks as he comes in with his huge belly leading the way 

"No Harry you have a T.V in your room go watch there" Niall says when he felt something inside of him 

"Niall you okay?" Louis asks him 

"I think she just kicked" Niall says when he tries to figure out where the kick was 

Niall put Louis hand where the baby was kicking at, and Louis loved it 

"Thanks Niall for letting me experience this" Louis says to him 

"You are quite welcome Lou" Niall says as Louis food was brought in for him to eat 

"Thanks that looks great' Louis says as he digs into his meal that was prepared for him 

"Excuse me boys I have to use the loo" Niall says as he gets up cause he had to go to the bathroom 

Niall pushed himself up and went to the restroom 

"Can I have some food too?" Harry asks Liam and Zayn 

"If your hungry make it yourself" Liam says to Harry cause Harry wasn't helpless just very pregnant  

"Fine I will" Harry says as he heads to the kitchen to make himself something to eat 

Harry makes himself something that is healthy or the babies

"Louis what time is your appointment?" Zayn asks him 

"Two" Louis says between bites of food

"Niall's is around that time too, so after you eat we will head to the doctor's office to check on the babies and when they will be making their appearance" Zayn says as he goes up to put away the supplies cause they had to get Louis and Niall to the doctor's to check on the babies and when they will be coming into this great big world  

"That sounds like a plan cause I am getting tired of being pregnant and I want them out" Louis says as Liam helps him up so they could go to the doctor's 

"Hey I have an appointment too" Harry says to the guys as he was eating his meal cause he was eating for five 

"You can take yourself cause your doctor is not that far from the house" Zayn says cause Louis and Niall's doctor's were far away and they needed to 

Harry was getting a little tired of being treated less then Louis cause he was carrying four babies while Louis was carrying three babies, and Niall only had one baby, and they treat Niall equal  

"Louis I hope the doctor will induce you cause you are getting too big" Liam says as he helps Louis to the bus where all of the car seats are going to be 

"Me too cause the weight is starting to kill me" Louis says as they head out 

"Niall are you coming?" Zayn calls to him 

"I'll go check" Harry says as he started to see where Niall was 

"No Harry I'll go cause Louis is waiting in the bus to go to the appointment" Zayn says as he heads up to see about Niall

Harry decided to go out to the bus cause the group can drop him off at his appointment to see about the quads and when they will be coming into the world as well 

"No Harry only Louis and Niall ride the bus" Liam says to Harry when he started to get on the bus so he could head to his appointment to see about the quads and how they were doing 

"Liam quick one of the triplets kicked" Louis says as they were waiting on Niall and Zayn to come out of the house to go to the doctor's 

Liam went to feel one of the triplets kicking Louis cause it was a great feeling 

Soon Zayn and Niall come out of the house and Niall was holding his little one

"Well guys this little lady wanted to come early" Zayn says as he helps Niall onto the bus 

"She is so precious" Harry says as he admires the baby that was sleeping in Niall's arms 

"No Harry take your car or walk to your appointment cause we have to see when the triplets are coming into the world" Liam says as Niall sits down with his little girl 

Harry was fed up with the way he was being treated by the others 

"I hope i get to see you girls today as well" Harry says to his belly as he was heading to the doctor's to check on the quads cause they were the only thing that they had to depend on cause their other daddies cared about their other sisters too 


"Well I will get to see you girls in two weeks" Harry says as he looks down at his bump that was really big 

Soon Harry heard the door open and the others must be home 

"Did you guys get me anything to eat?" Harry asks since Liam was carrying the food 

"No Harry we didn't we stopped cause Louis was hungry and he needed food cause Niall had to be admitted and the baby had too as well cause she is a little early" Liam says as Harry tries to get some food 

"No Harry this is for Louis" Liam says to Harry 

Harry went up to his room for the night cause he he wanted to be alone right now cause the other clearly cared about Louis and his babies and him only and not Harry 

V & C

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