Larry Not my baby

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Request sent in by @@Miss_Rose1127 I hope it is okay

Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles were a couple and they were dating, but only Liam and Niall knew about it

"Good grief guys get a room" Niall says as he walks in on them kissing one time on their day off that they had cause they were between shows right now and Harry wanted to get Louis all to himself

"Sorry Niall" Harry says as he pulls apart

"That's okay next time lock the door or something, so we don't walk in on one of your make-out sessions" Niall says as he gets his shoes cause they were invited to an all boy band party

"Where are you going Niall?" Louis asks him'

"Well we got invited to an all boy band party and BTR is going to be there as well as some of the boy bands that we grew up listening too" Niall says to them

"Well I'm game" Harry says as he goes and changes his clothes to go to the party that the boys got invited to

Harry quickly changes and Louis takes a shower and puts his glasses on cause once he had too many drinks his eye sight goes crazy

"Ready to go Lou?" Harry asks him

"Ready" Louis says to him as they head out to the party that they were invited too


"This place is packed" Liam says as they enter where the party was

"Yeah it is and almost every boy band is here" Niall says as he starts to make his way into the room to get a beverage cause he was thirsty and needed refreshment

Louis wasn't going to drink cause he was going to be the designated driver for the boys, so they could go back to their mansion safely that night

"Lou are you the designated driver?" Liam asks him

"Yeah" Louis says as they start to make their way around the room to meet all of the famous boy bands that came before them and were following in their footsteps as well to fame

"Good cause I am going to get wasted tonight that is for sure" Liam says as he goes and drinks

Louis headed out to the patio to have a smoke to let it all loose as well. Harry was making out with one of the members of cream Le cream cause they got caught up in what has been going on with their lives and one had beautiful green eyes like Harry had and that was enough for Harry to get lost in his pretty eyes

"Louis come on have a a drink" Logan Henderson says to him

"Okay just one drink, and that is it" Louis says as he heads in to talk to some of the members of BTR who were there that night and he wanted to see what was going on since  the tour that 1D did with them a while back

Logan gave him one and Louis was contented with it for the night

(Few months later

"Louis i'm fine really" Harry says to him

"Harry when you throw-up every morning it ells me other wise" Louis says as they wait on the waiting room of the doctor's office

Harry knew he was right about that 

"Harry" a nurse calls to him

Harry gets up and follows the nurse to the exam room and Louis follows behind cause Louis knew that Harry was pregnant and he wanted to see how far along he was and if it was h is cause Louis heard from Niall that Harry cheated on him at the party and he wanted to see if it was his baby or not

"Hello let's see what is going on with you" the doctor says cause he was in a hurry to get through his patients that day cause he had a delivery he needed to be at soon

Harry lifts up his shirt to expose his belly that he had going on right about now

"This is going to be cold to the touch" the doctor says to Harry

Harry nods as he was prepared for it

"Well Mr. Styles you are pregnant and two months along" the doctor says to Harry

"Harry is it mine?" Louis asks him

"I don't know if it yours" Harry says as he looks down cause he knew that there might be a chance that this baby might be Louis's and there is a chance that this baby is the member of cream le cream 

Louis didn't know what to say as they left the doctor's office


"I am going to stay with my folks" Louis says as he comes down with a pack bag cause he was going to stay there until this all blows over

"Harry are you going to get a DNA test done?" Niall asks him

"Yeah I want to prove to Louis that this is his baby that I am carrying and he is the father and not that guy cause that guy who I made out with was a complete idiot" Harry says as he heads up to his room to think things over again cause this was pretty messed up the way it was and he had to fix it and get Louis back into his life before it was too late

Liam and Niall did the nursery for Harry's little girl, and Niall was going to be his coach in the delivery room when the baby was born

(Few months later)

"Okay Harry one more push should do it and your daughter will be here" the doctor says to Harry

"Harry i believe in you" Niall says to him as he stayed by his side in the delivery room

Harry pushed until he felt the baby slip from him 

"It's a girl" the doctor says as he holds the baby up

"Harry she's gorgeous" Niall says as he hears the baby girl's cries

"She is" Harry says as his baby was place on his chest

Niall cut the cord

"Oh baby it's okay" Harry says as he comforts the baby girl that he had on his chest who was just born

Soon her cries start calm down and she opens her eyes

"Harry she has Louis eyes she is Louis daughter" Niall says when he sees the baby girl with her eyes opened and looking at where she was at

"Quick call Louis and tell him cause i want him here to meet her for the first time" Harry says as Niall calls Louis to have him come to the hospital to meet his daughter for the first time

Louis was there and was happy that the baby was his, and he vowed to be there for Harry and the baby 

V & C

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