Larry: One cute badass baby

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Request sent in by @thekoalapanda I hope you like it

Harry was in the gang at the high school him and Louis attended. Louis was the nerd who played in the school band, and when the students were allowed to go outside Louis would make flower crowns out of anything that he could find, and when he had his flower crown on his head he would play his flute and make beautiful music

"My crown" Louis says one day when Harry ripped it off Louis head

"You look like a dork with it on" Harry says as he crushes it on the ground and lights up

"Smoking is bad for your health you know" Louis says to Harry

"Yeah so what are you going to do about it?" Harry asks Louis

"Nothing I am going to go back inside cause it is time for band" Louis says as he runs into the school with his flute so he wasn't late for band

"Man Louis looks really beautiful" Harry says when he sees Louis run inside with his instrument

(After band)

Louis was at his locker getting everything that he needed to do his homework that night cause he had a lot of homework

"Hey Louis" Harry says as he walks up to his locker

"Hey" Louis says as he puts his books in his bag to head home

"Are you busy this weekend?" Harry asks him

"Not right now" Louis says as they head down the stairs cause he had to get home cause he wanted to get started on his homework right away

"Can i ask you later?" Harry asks as they walk towards Louis house that night

"Yeah" Louis says as they continue to head for Louis house


'Well are you busy this weekend?" Harry asks Louis that day after school

"No I got all my homework done in study hall, and all i have to do is practice my flute tonight" Louis says to Harry

"I thought maybe you might want to spend the night at my place cause my parents are out of town the whole weekend" Harry says to Louis

"I would like that" Louis says to Harry as they leave the school that day

Harry was able to get the keys to the liquor cabinet before his parents left for their little weekend trip that weekend

(Couple of weeks later)

"Hey Louis are you feeling any better?" Harry asks him after their little fling that they had

"No my mom is making me go to the doctor's to see what is going on with me" Louis says as he gets his backpack ready cause he had to go straight to the doctor's office to see what was going on with him and see what was causing him to be so sick that he has to miss school every morning and won't come in until tea time

"Okay I hope you feel better Louis" Harry says as Louis leaves to sign himself out of the office and head to the doctor's office to see what was going on with him

"Me too" Louis says as he leaves

(Few days later)

"Louis you look a little better then what you did earlier" Harry says when he sees Louis looking more cheerier in school

"Yeah the doctor figured out what was wrong with me, and they gave me a picture" Louis says as he hands Harry the ultrasound that he had done at the doctor's a few days before to see what was going on with him

"Louis what is that?" Harry asks when he sees the picture

"Well in a couple of months I am going to be a mommy and you are going to be a daddy" Louis tells him as Louis got ready to head outside for study hall that day, so he could get caught up on his studies and maybe make his flower crowns and make little flower crowns for his soon to be baby if it's a girl cause he was going to freeze the flowers so they stay pretty for the little bundle cause he wanted her to look beautiful when she comes into the world

Harry was left there in complete shock that he was going to be a daddy. Plus he didn't know what to say afterwards after Louis left him there in the hallway

"Don't worry baby you have me" Louis says as he talks to his small bump that he had as he headed outside to study cause he had to do some make up tests during lunch that day and after school and he wanted to make sure that he passes his classes

One of the teachers heard Louis talking to his stomach and made him sign up for the parenting class next quarter so he knew how to take care of the baby

(Few months later)

"Hey Louis" Harry says as he approaches Louis at his locker one day

"Hey" Louis says as he hangs the new pictures of the baby up in his locker cause the day before he was able to see what he was having and he was excited that he was going to be having a daughter so his flower crowns that he was making was going to be put to good use once she was born

"Is that our baby?" Harry asks Louis

"Yes that's our daughter" Louis says as he puts more pictures of the baby up inside of his locker

Harry was stunned that he was going to have a daughter after that one night stand with Louis

"Can I be in her life cause I really love her, and I can't wait to meet her?" Harry asks Louis

"Yeah you can plus I have you signed up for the parenting class that I am taking this semester" Louis says as they head to class cause that day he was going to get the doll that cries, wets and needs attention for the weekend, and to use as practice until his baby comes in a couple of months cause Louis need all of the practicing that he can get

Harry was shocked that he was taking parenting with Louis that semester but he was willing to do it to get ready for their daughter that he already loved and couldn't meet of course cause he knew that she was going to have his curls

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