Zourry: Business baby

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Request sent in by @thekoalapanda I hope it is okay the way i wrote it sorry it took so long to post

Harry and Zayn Malik have been married for four years and they wanted a baby in their lives and since none of them could actually carry a baby they looked into adoption and surrogacy for the baby 

"Zayn how desperate are we for a little one?" Harry asks as he was doing their finances that night at the dinner table 

"I don't know do you want one now or do you want to wait nine months or longer for a baby?" Zayn asks him

"I want one now and i do want one of our own" Harry says as he looks at the budget to see if they could afford the little one when they come into the picture 

"Okay I will get started on two rooms and you can see which agency sounds perfect for us" Zayn says to him

Harry wasn't able to get much response from the agencies that he called to see if they could meet to see if they were able to be put on a list to have a surrogate like normal people who can't have kids, and adoption is out of the question for them 

(Few days later)

"Harry let's go to the clubs for a little bit to get our minds off everything" Zayn says cause none of t hr orphanages were going to let them adopt cause they were gay so they went for an international adoption and they were matched immediately and they were waiting on a child

"Okay that sounds good to me" Harry says as he goes and gets ready for their night out o the town 

Zayn and Harry went to one of the new clubs that just opened up 

"This is amazing" Harry says as they came into the club to have some fun that night and let loose about having kids cause it was something that was weighing heavily on their minds, and they needed a night out before they added to their family and they couldn't go out and party like they could 

"I know right" Zayn says over the loud music that was playing as they got some drinks 

Harry and Zayn met Louis who was a uni, and they decided to go over to the house to do it cause Harry was having such a headache and Zayn had work in the morning, so they didn't want to over do it at the club 

(Three months later)

"Zayn we got approved" Harry says when he sees an e-mail come in about their international adoption 

"That's great where's our little one coming from?" Zayn asks him 

"Belgium" Harry says to Zayn as he looks at the country 

"Is there a picture?" Zayn asks him 

Harry brings up a picture of their little one 

"We get a little girl?" Zayn ask him 

"Yeah we do" Harry says when his phone rings 

"Who is it?" Zayn asks him 

"It's Louis he has some news for the both of us" Harry says to him 

"Okay put him on speaker" Zayn says to him 

Harry puts him on speaker so Louis could tell Harry and Zayn his news that he has been waiting to tell them 

"Well guys it looks like I'm pregnant" Louis says to them excitedly cause Louis was excited to be a mom finally 

"Louis that's great we want you to move in with us so we can monitor the pregnancy to make sure everything is going okay" Zayn says to him 

"Yeah we have plenty of room" Harry says to him 

Louis agrees to move in with Harry and Zayn 

(Couple of days later)

"Hi baby this is daddy one talking to you now" Zayn says to Louis stomach cause they found out he was having twins 

"Zayn the baby will be better if one of you hold me close" Louis says to them as he looks down at his bump that was slowly forming 

"I'll hold you Lou" Harry says as he holds Louis close to him 

"Thanks Harry" Louis says as he lets Harry hold him while Zayn went to work on the nursery for the twins, and the little girl's room that they will be getting soon 

"Well Harry it looks like they found us another little one" Zayn says as he comes into the room cause he got a call from their adoption agent that she had found them another little girl 

"That's great i can't wait to see what this little one looks like" Harry says to Zayn 

"Me either i am on cloud nine that we are going to have our perfect family four little ones" Zayn says to him 

"Yes we will" Harry says as he blows Zayn a kiss to show that he loves Harry a lot and that they have their perfect family after all this time cause they will have their babies and soon they will have their little ones  

Zayn was going to work on the other room for that little one cause their family was going to be coming together

"Harry the babies are hungry can i have something to eat?" Louis asks him 

"Sure Lou" Harry says as he gets up to make something for Louis to eat 

(Few months later)

Harry and Zayn were itching to find out what they were having, so they decided to do a gender reveal party the day the little girl from Belgium came home 

"Sweetie it's okay" Zayn says as he holds her 

"Harry the babies are hungry again" Louis says to him 

"We will feed them once we find out what the babies are" Harry says to him cause they had another cake to show where their other one was coming from 

Louis was okay with that cause he was dying to see what they were as well 

Harry and Zayn were overjoyed when they were going to have twin boys 

"Now to see what our other little one is coming from" Harry says as he opens the cake to show where their little one was coming from

Harry and Zayn were happy that they were going to be having one coming from their home country of England as they were shocked that they were having another little girl  

"We are going to have two of each" Harry tells Zayn 

"Yes we will Harry" Zayn says as they kiss cause they were really happy about their family coming together and couldn't wait until this little girl joins the family as well as the boys 

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