CHapter 2- Keep Breaking My Heart

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Chapter 2...

“Crystal Williams.” As he said her name the tears started flowing. Crystal Williams was my former best friend, the one who humiliated me in 7th grade. In high school though she’s the head cheerleading captain and the sluttiest of them all. That night when she humiliated me Luke called her an ungrateful bitch and that a son of a bitch would have to fall for her ugly ass.

“So you’re the son of a bitch that fell for her ugly ass.” I said shaking my head. The tears started to fall from my face and I didn’t even make an effort to wipe them away. I wanted Luke to see how much he’s hurting me.

“What?” he replied completely and utterly confused. Of course he doesn’t remember. Apparently everything that means so much to me means nada to him.

“That night….when Crystal humiliated me y-y-you called her a-an ungrateful b-b-bitch and that a son of a bitch w-w-would have to fall for her u-u-ugly ass.” I barely managed to get the sentences out in between my sobs. Every now and then Luke would try to come near me and hug me but I would shove him away every time. I wasn’t in the mood and if he lay another hand on me I wouldn’t be responsible for his injuries. Luke could probably tell what I was think cause from that moment on he didn’t try anything else.

“I didn’t fall for her Kleah. We were at a party. She and I had to much to drink and one thing lead to another.”

“So you gave it away to her just cause you couldn’t handle your liquor. Wow cause that makes it so much better.” I said sarcastically. He came closer to me, but didn’t touch me nor look at me. He would look everywhere the ceiling, floor, classrooms, and lockers but never at me. “How many times have you done it since then.” There was a silence for minutes till he answered.

“More than 5….”

“More than 5!” I gasped searching for air. Was I having a panic attack or is this how it feels getting your heart broken. I shook my head multiple times trying to rewind time or maybe wake up from this dream. This was a mistake it had to be!

“Wow…” I whispered as I pushed him and walked away.

“Kleah! Wait!” He screamed as he grabbed a hold of my wrist. I quickly spun around and did the first thing that popped in my mind. I smacked him….As soon as my hand made contact with his cheek the sound echoed through the hallways. I finally started to feel the throbbing pain in my hand but I didn’t care. He slowly turned his head and you could see my hand print clearly on his. I bet he wished now that he didn’t teach how to fight. Hurt passed his eyes but it didn’t affect me at all.

“Don’t fucken touch me again.” I screamed ran away and this time he didn’t come after me and I was glad.

It officially has been 5 days since mine and Luke’s fight. Not a single phone call, text, or word between us 2. After our fight I came home sobbing to death. Thank, god nobody was home to see me cry like a little baby but I just couldn’t stop the tears. I would lay in my bed all day and cry. When I finished crying, I would cry some more. I know pathetic right? But me and Luke never really had fights like these. Fights were we never say a word to each other. The longest our arguments have lasted were about 4 hours and then one of us would crawl back to the other saying I’m so sorry. Guess this wasn’t the case this time. It was painful enough staying home and bawling my eyes out but then I would have to go to school and see him make out with another girl. I guess it took more of a toll on me then it did on him cause he was still smiling and laughing while I looked like something died. This morning I woke up and finally got some common sense. If our friendship being over didn’t matter to him then why should I care. No more going to school looking like I haven’t showered in days, this time I’m making an effort. I’m showing him that I don’t give a fuck. As I rummaged through my closet I found the perfect outfit. Skinny jeans with a black lacey shirt, and black cuffed high heel boots. The shirt was completely black on the front but the back was lacey and see through. I hurried to the bathroom and took a shower while having 20 minutes left to get ready. Stepping out the shower I towel dried my hair and hurried to put on my outfit. As soon as I put it on I did my make –up, Black Smokey eye shadow with a nude lipstick and blush. Finally to complete my look I threw on an owl necklace. Great! 5 minute left. I took one final look in the mirror and barely recognized the face staring back at me. My shirt hugged my curves perfectly and my skinny jeans showed my 1 hell of an ass. My hair was dried by now and its waves looked flawless. The eye shadow made my brown eyes pop and you could clearly see the golden layer and my lips looked so plum. I gave myself a wink and headed downstairs. There was my mom standing by the huge plate of pancakes and bacon. Ugh! Today was the day I had to look gorgeous. As soon as my mom saw me she screamed.

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