Chapter 21- The Transformation

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Hey! Sorry for not uploading in about 2 weeks....again

But I was busy so don't blam me :D

I love all my readers...4,000 reads so far. 

And Im estatic :D

You guys are all amazing so keep reading!

Please vote,fan,and comment more :D Would really appreciate that :D

I posted Kleahs outfit on the side ------------------------------>

And Now I'm gonna go to sleep counting unicorns ;)

----Anne :D 


I woke up the next morning totally prepared to go through this unbearable pain, but I forget that the transformation began at 8pm. As I sorted through my clothes I heard a *knock knock* on my window. I turned around to open it, but Luke was already in my room. He looked hungrily over my body once I realized I was in my black lace bra and black underwear. I turned beet red and before I could grab my robe Luke grabbed me.

“See this is how everyday should be.” He smirked circling his hands around my waist.

“I’m particularly naked!” I groan as his heat travels all over my bed.

“Your point is?” He chuckles raising his eyebrow. He starts kissing my collarbone, my sensitive spot! I let out a moan and he smiles against my skin.

“I need to get dressed my parents are downstairs.” I try to make it come out strong like an order, instead it comes out weak and shaky.

“Fine.” He mumbles against my skin still sucking my neck. After minutes me and him are still making out and I can’t bring myself to stop.

“Luke.” I moan as he hits my collarbone once again.

“Fine.” He mumbles making his way towards the window. “I’ll see you later.” He winks as he disappears all a sudden. Please don’t tell me he can fly to I think as I look at my clothes. Hours passed and I finally decided what I would wear. It was a strapless dress with a flower print and a short gray vest over it. I picked out some hot pink pumps and some gold hoops. I curled my hair and put on only some chap stick as I headed downstairs.

“Happy Birthday!” My parents yelled as soon as they saw me.

“Yeppy for me.” I mumbled grabbing my backpack.

“I know honey. But after school me, your father, and your brother are leaving for Seattle for two weeks. So no parties ok.” My mother winks.

“You’re leaving me on my most important crisis.” I squeal.

“It’s ok honey, Luke is gonna take care of you. He’s sleeping over for a week too.” My mom says smiling. Well at least that’s the good part, but their leaving me! *Ding Dong*

“Got it!” I cried running towards door. As soon as I open there’s Luke leaning against the ledge.  He gives me a smirk and invites himself in. I just shake my head and gently close the door.

“Funny how you were just upstairs almost molesting me.” I whisper in his ear making my way towards my backpack

“Oh Please don’t act like you didn’t enjoy it.” He says opening the door like a gentlemen should.

“See ya mom and dad.” I yell as I run outside jumping into Luke’s car.

“You seem happy today.”

“Well you are taking care of me.” I laugh as Luke speeds off into the crowded rude New York City.

“Well yes, but you are turning into a werewolf. I would expect you to be bitchy.” He chuckled stopping at a red light.

“Well I’m full of surprises.” I laugh as I give him a small kiss on the cheek.

“You know the whole New York just saw that.” He said.

“Yes! Your mine!” I exclaim as he parks into the school.

“Why does that never get old?” He exclaimed grabbing my hand as we entered the building.

“Maybe cause I say it.” I laugh smirking as I make my way over to my locker.

“I’ll see you next period K babe?” He smirks kissing my cheek

“Sure” I smile as I check myself in the mirror. Hey! Don’t blame me…I’m just trying to see if the hairs or canine teeth are kicking in.

“Well if it isn’t Luke’s charming princess.” I grit my teeth just by the sound of his voice and my hands automatically form into fists.

“Get away from me.” I turn around looking him square in the eye.

“Nah I’m just going to stay here..or maybe even here.” He replied stepping forward every time I would take a step back.

“Tyler get away from me.” I said through my clenched jaw.

“Now why would I do such a thing?” He smirked circling around me like a shark circles around his prey before he tears it into shreds. “Let’s make a deal.” He smiles whispering in my ear. I flinch on my left side trying to get away from him, but he just blocks me again.

“What deal?”

“Leave Luke and go out with me.” He smiled

“Tyler are you fucken mental or something?” I exclaim as I look at him. Why the hell would I leave Luke for him?

“Let me finish darling.” He said circling around me again. “If you don’t let’s just say both of you are going to pay.” He lets out an evil laugh and stares me. Oh this was so it! Nobody messes with me or the love of my life. Especially since werewolf period moods are kicking in! I shove Tyler against the concrete wall and point my index finger at him.

“Now listen here you idiotic dumbass! Threaten me one more time and I swear I’ll make sure your erased from the world. Nobody will even know who you are and nobody would find you! So don’t trying threatening me because I wasn’t the one who almost raped me and killed Luke over your own popularity! Your psycho! And I will make sure this whole school knows it. You wanna cross dangerous territory…I dare you to cross it.” I finish, looking him square in the eye. All of a sudden I felt a piercing pain come from the back of my eye! I felt like I was having my eyeballs taken out. I ran to the girls bathroom and tried to hold back the scream that was about to make way out of my bath. I look at myself in the mirror and I could see my eyes changing colors from blue,green,brown,yellow,red, and every other single other color.

            Before the scream could let its self out I saw Luke burst through the girl’s bathroom looking worried as hell. As soon as he saw me he rushed over towards me and made me look at him. A terrified/worried expression crossed his face at the same time! I let out a piercing scream as I felt my eyes changing shape, color, everything!

“Shh! Kleah It’s gonna be ok?” He said reassuring me over stroking my hair.

“What’s happening to me?” I cry out as the pain starts all over again and I let out another scream. The pain was unbearable. It felt like someone was stabbing me over and over again, but at the same time breaking every single one of my bones. Luke grabbed me and carried me bridal style out of the bathroom.

“Your transformations occurring…We gotta get you home.” He said looking over my face as he carried me outside. I couldn’t even understand what he was saying. My transformation…that was supposed to occur at 8pm.

“I thought that was supposed to be at 8pm.” I exclaim as another piercing scream erupts from me!

“Me too too” Luke sounded extremely worried as he carried me into his car and then I blacked out as the pain overcame me.

We All Have Secrets.....Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora