Chapter 4- Empire Sate of Mind

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The rest of that day was torture. I had guys come up to me every second asking me out and apparently word  got out around school that Kleah and Luke were no more. Imagine the happy faces on the girls and the perverted looks on the boys. I understand why Luke tried to ruin my love life but I wish he also understood that I’m not the 13 defenseless shy girl I was. But that doesn’t aggravate me as much as him not respecting that 1 rule, I did. For the past 4 years I never asked him who he had an interest in(not that I wanted to know) or who he thought was cute or hot. Basically our friendship was a lie. He couldn’t handle the thought of me having a boyfriend. But the only question that pondered my mind was why not? Why couldn’t he handle me going out on dates or having a boyfriend? He hasn’t even shown any interest in me for me to think he has the slightest crush so that’s out. So the only reason that’s left is him acting like an over protective brother. Yeah that has to be it! He said they only used girls and then left them. Like he should talk! Him and Crystal! Just by seeing them kiss has made me literally kill Crystal. Who by the way has been giving me deadly glares from across the room. Her getting back was not even a problem. If she wanted a fight, a fight will be delivered. Finally those boxing lessons from Luke would actually come in handy. I laugh remembering the bruises I used to give him. Serves him right to tickle me. I told him if he ever tickled me I was not responsible for any injuries I might cause, he didn’t listen and I always keep my word.  Finally the bell rang signaling every student that it was time for lunch. I didn’t feel like going to the cafeteria and seeing Luke smile and joke with his friends like everything is alright. Both of us know it isn’t. Unlike him I cared for this friendship and wanted to fix it while he ran away from every problem. I forced myself to blink back the tears remembering how he almost left me to check on Crystal like she matters more than me. I paced the sidewalk trying to decide between going through the cafeteria and showing Luke that I don’t care or going in my car and driving off saving myself the pain. Just as I was about to go in my car Kevin comes up towards me.

“Hey, you never really quite gave me an answer.” He pointed out as I made my way over to my car. I felt bad telling him no since he was a sweet guy, but no harm going on one date with him. I gave him a gleaming smile and laughed.

“I would like that this Friday right?”

“Yeah is it ok if I pick you up at 7pm?” He asked. I gave him another smile. I could tell that Kevin felt nervous and awkward by me. Wow, I never knew I had this effect on boys.

“Sounds perfect.” I replied still smiling. Since I was on my way out I figured maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea inviting him for lunch, maybe a pre-date so it wouldn’t be so much awkward on the next date.

“Hey since I’m heading out for lunch, would you like to accompany me?” I said brushing my bangs away from my face. Kevin’s eyes glowed and he gave out a smile which automatically made me smile too.

“I would love to.” He implied as he opened the car door for me. Oh, such a gentlemen I could so get used to this I thought chucking to myself. I drove out the parking lot and neither me or Kevin said a word. You could feel the uneasiness in the car so I decided to break it.

“So Kevin, Italian or Chinese.” I asked while making a left turn heading into the life of the town, New York City. So many crowded people walking everywhere. My school Avans Mist High School was just around the corner of Times Square. Our school is mainly for the “rich” kids even though we get to wear whatever we want, our parents still have to pay for our education. Bummer, right? But our school is like another normal high school. Nobody brags about the next fashion show or their new Prada bag because we don’t want to hear about it. Aside from our field trips to Spain or Italy we’re like regular students.

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