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 I parked in front of his house and rang his doorbell 600 times. Let’s just say today was not a good day for me to be pissed off. He opened the door and I just stormed in and let out a high pitch scream.

“Woah! You ok?” He asked hugging me.

“I really have no clue right now.” I took a deep breath and prepared myself to get dumped. “I don’t know how’ll you’ll take this. I probably am sure that you’ll freak out.” I gulped and sat down holding back my tears. Luke came over to me and I took his hand staring down at it.

“Let me tell you these have been the best days of my life with you. And I truly love you. But all your feeling will probably go away after you find out that I’m a.”

“A werewolf.” He said stroking my chin. Ok now that I was not expecting at all!

“How did you know.”

“That’s what the talk with me and your dad was about.”

“I give you all the right to leave me now.” I mumbled looking at his eyes. Probably the last time I’ll ever look at him.

“Kleah your dad didn’t tell you?” He said raising an eyebrow.

“Tell me what?”

“Kleah I’m a werewolf to.” I just stood there shocked. I shook my head

“No you can’t be!” Now here’s the thing the problem isn’t that he’s a werewolf or I’m a werewolf I just feel like I woke up today and got sucked into a Fantasy book. I mean what teenager wakes up and find her parents are werewolves, her boyfriend his a werewolf, she’s a werewolf ohh and SHE’S THE FUCKEN CHOSEN ONE. Who says that anymore “the chose one.” I stood up and started the pacing back and forth across the wooden floor. This cannot be happening. I’m probably just dreaming I’ll wake up in 5 minutes and this will all just be a dream. I started pinching my arms and mumbling curses under my breath when it didn’t work. I WILL NOT GIVE UP!

“You’re not dreaming.” Luke whispered behind me. He slowly crept up behind me and put his arms around my waist.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I sighed giving into the pinching myself solution. I will just try another solution later.

“You parents made me promise to wait until they told you. They knew you would freak out.” He started kissing my neck going an inch lower minute by minute.

“You have no idea.” I mumbled remembering the chaotic scene

 I caused.

“So how exactly did you freak out?” He said trailing my neck with kisses.

“Well I kinda told them I would go to Austria WHICH I AM! But I was hoping you would go with them.”

“You what!” He exclaimed not kissing my neck anymore.

“You missed a spot.” I mumbled pointing to my neck.

“Kleah are you nuts! Trust me the stupid society is not something you want to mess with!”

“Luke I don’t care. I’m going and if you want to come,come!” I yelled grabbing my jacket and heading for the door. However Luke had grabbed my hand and turned me around to face him. He gave me a kiss on the lips and whispered

“I’m coming.” I smiled and grabbed his hand leading him to my car.

“Are we seriously taking your car.” He groaned hoping in the front seat.

“Yes now stop your bitching cause we are heading to AUSTRIA, BABY!” I screamed slamming my foot on the accelerator. As I loaded the plane with Luke right behind me I couldn’t help but grin like a pyshco. Me and Luke were heading to Austria, just us two, by ourselves. I mean sure it was a crappy trip since we were heading to the Soultarian society but still it was OUR trip.

“Kleah our seats are here.” Luke directed to a set of 3 chairs in the middle. I wonder who the third person was. I sat on the left and Luke sat in the middle and I sighed.

“What’s wrong babe.” I blushed a little, he never called me babe before. OH IM BEING SUCH A GIRL!!
“I mean what happens when we get there. Do we just go and talk to them? Tell them to reverse it.” Luke shifted to face me and he started to stroke my hair. “You know I love it when you do that.”

“Yeah I do.” He smirked leaning to over to kiss me.

“Uhmm excuse me.” A shrilly girly voice said. I turned around and there was this blonde girl in front of us. Well blonde but slutty. She had booty shorts (DID ANYBODY NOT INFORM THIS GIRL THAT THE FREAKING AIRPLANE IS LIKE 40 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT) and a hot pink strapless bra. Her hair was formed into waves and your blue eyes stood out the most. “Is this seat taken?” And she pointed directly next to Luke. OH HELL NO!

“Uhm it’s”

“No. Be my guest.” Luke said cutting me off. I gave him the death glare. Why the hell is he offering her the seat! She gave out a little giggle and then leaned over her chair to put her bag down and you could clearly see her hot pink underwear. At that moment all I saw was red. As she sat down in her chair Luke turned to me and started to continue our conversation. I gave him them middle finger and waited till the plane was in mid-air. When the belt sign came off I unbuckled my belt and ran to the bathroom just bolting the door shut. A tear slipped my eye as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I can ever compete with her. I mean I’m just boring me. Of course he wants someone like her I was probably just another girl. KNOCK! KNOCK!  I wiped my tears away and opened the door. When I saw who it was I just scoffed.  


“What’s wrong.”

“Nothing.” I replied shutting the door. But Luke’s foot was blocking it so I just gave up. He came inside and he shut the door.

“Tell me? Please?”

“She’s the problem.”


“The girl sitting next to you.”

“Oh you mean Amber.”

“Great now you know her freaking name. What next?” I hissed. I know I was being a bitch I mean why wouldn’t Luke look at girls like her.

“Kleah what is going on with you?”

“You wanna know whats going on with me. LUKE SOME EXTREMELY HOT GIRL IS SITTING NEXT TO YOU! And I can’t compete with her. I mean I’m boring me and I know that you would always want a girl like her. More pretty or somebody to put out there! And I’m not gorgeous like her and I can’t just put out like her!” I cried wiping my tears away. Ok is it me or am I crying a lot lately. Luke just chuckled and left. He didn’t even say another word. Just shut the door and left me there to cry. THANK YOU SOULTARIAN SOCIETY AND FUCK YOU! 

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