Chapter 15- Best Time of My Life

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The next week I kept waking up from sleeping in the hospital chair near Luke’s hospital bed. He’s been doing good lately, once he told me what really happened I was more than ready to give Tyler another beating. So then I had to tell him about the…date. At first he seemed pissed that I kept something from him, then he grew livid when he found out that Tyler forced himself on me, but! He started smiling and laughing once he found out I beat the crap out of him. The rest of the week we stood around watching movies on our laptops and just laughing and having a good time, just like the old days. Except Luke wasn’t in the hospital BUT U GET MY POINT. But imagine my surprise when I woke up the next morning and the hospital room and bed were cleared out. I mean no Luke in the bed or flowers and cards from his “used toys” or “wanna-be toys”. The room was cleaned out. I ran outside just to make sure I was even in the right room but I WAS! So where was Luke?

“Excuse me?” I asked one of the nurses passing by. She looked at me and smiled, so much nicer than the other one.


“Would you happen to know where Luke Hunter in room 314 is?”

“Oh Luke Hunter is gone.” She said looking at her patients list. All a sudden my breath got caught in my throat.

“You mean he’s dead.”

“OH! No honey! His recovery was spectacular that they let him go home!” She exclaimed. Oh thank god! SHE COULDN’T HAVE BEEN ANY CLEARER!

“Thank you..” I mumbled heading out of the front door and jumping in my car. I had done enough running and walking for a whole week! As soon as I reached his house I hit the brakes and knocked on his door. He chuckled as he opened it

“You found me.”

“Damn right I found you. HOW THE HELL DID YOU JUST LEAVE ME THERE! NEAR SICK PEOPL! ALONE!” I ran upstairs and plopped down onto his bed. He followed me and just laughed.

“I’m fine thanks for asking.” He joked.

“Oh don’t get all smart ass on me!” I pointed a finger towards him. “I hate you!” I lied standing on his rug.

“No you don’t”

“And what makes you think I don’t” I said crossing my arms.

“I heard what you said in the hospital. The first time you came to see me.” My arms fell to my side and I couldn’t move. He knew…

“Look I was drunk! I didn’t know what I was saying.” I reassured him.

“You weren’t drunk. You meant it.” He said stepping closer to me

“Fine! I did.” I gave up I had to tell him it was time! “I meant it! I really meant it. I understand that you would never ever like me that way or even love me. But please just let this friendship live.” He shook his head.

“I don’t want this friendship to live.” Out of nowhere a tear escaped my eye, I ruined our friendship. “Because I want a relationship.” He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. He leaned in to kiss me and when he did I just felt like the happiest person in the world. I started kissing back and then finally opened my mouth and let his tongue explore it. This kiss wasn’t like Tyler’s not even close. This was the movie kiss I always dreamed off. The butterflies and the fireworks and just absolutely amazing. I melted into his arms and I felt I’ve gone into heaven. His breath was minty but at the same time fruity again just amazing.

“Wow” He sighed as he backed away leaving my lips to miss the presence of his.

“I know I’m a bad kisser. I’m so sorry.” I complained banging my head on the wall.

“Are you kidding me! You just…Your just…That was…speechless.” He said grabbing my wrist spinning me around facing him. “You have no idea how long I wanted to have done that.”

“WHAT!” Now I was speechless Luke had liked me that long.

“I liked you since 8th grade! Since that dance. I STILL DO! Kleah you make go nuts in your freaking bikinis and your damn sex comments. KLEAH I’M A FUCKEN HORMONAL BOY! And when I have a smoking girl I love stand in front of me with her belly out or her lips 2 inches away from me IT TAKES ALL MY STRENGTH TO CONTROL MYSELF.” I couldn’t even believe what I was hearing. All these years I convinced myself that there was no reason to even tell him what I feel, or that it could ruin our friendship.

“You love me.” I stuttered trying to soak all this in. I pinched myself once to make sure it wasn’t a dream, you know one of my delusional one’s .

“I do.” He smiled stroking my cheek.  Then my head clicked what about all those girls he’s been with and all the girls he will be.

“What about all those girls?”

“They mean nothing. You mean everything to me. I tried finding a girl like you to maybe get my mind off of you but none of them even compared. Your special. Your mine.” I instantly smiled and gave him a peck on the lips.

“Well since I’m yours I so cannot wait for the teasing to begin!” I yelled running down the stairs. Yes I have waited for him and me to be together for a BILLION years but I’m not a mushy person and though we’re together we are still best friends.

“Oh no you didn’t!” I heard him yelling from the second floor and running downstairs. My life officially cannot get any better 


SO THEY R FINALLY TOGETHER!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!! But just wait ;) Tell me what you think or what should happen. SUGGESTIONS?

Vote,Comment,Fan <3 

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