Chapter 13- Last Night

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Finally the night for everything to fall perfectly into place! First though I have to find Luke, he’ll probably be around Kleah’s house since he’s in “love” with her. First rule of being a player never fall in LOVE! Luke doesn’t even deserve to be called a player, more like a loser. After I spot Luke well let’s just say he’s going to be out of the picture for a while and then Kleah will be all mine. I will try to be all sweet and charming with her then take her upstairs and of course use her then leave her. She’ll be devastated and whatever but at least I earn my title. I checked myself in the mirror one more time before heading off and gave myself a smirk. I was wearing a tight white v-neck shirt that showed off my muscular figure pretty well. I wore some black skinny jeans and my hair landed over my face perfectly, no girl can resist this.

I ran downstairs and hopped in my car, next find Luke. I came to a stop just about a few blocks from her house and there I spotted Luke walking towards her house. This couldn’t be any easier.


I can’t stand it anymore I need to tell Kleah. Whether or not she feels the same for me I don’t care. I just can’t handle holding this inside anymore. Seeing her today was just as painful as knowing I can’t make her mine. Her gorgeous hair swung back and forth as she laughed. Her amazing lips that were just 3 inches away from mine. Any guy would be lucky to have her, she’s just perfect. I never thought in a million years I would have a girl best-friend but she gets everything my jokes, my problems, and she’s always usually cheerful. I ran out of my house and started running towards hers.

“Hey Luke!” I spun around to see who it was and there was Tyler with a smirk planted on his face. Ugh! This wanna-be player good thing Kleah called him out on it. “What you up to?”

“Oh just going ov-“ My sentence was interrupted by Tyler’s fist connecting with my face. I stumbled backwards and felt my nose. I looked down at my hand and it was all bloody. “WHAT THE FUCK!”

“I can’t have you messing up my plans now can I?” Tyler replied. I finally regained my balance and tried to make a hit towards Tyler’s face but he dodged. I turned around and once again Tyler punched me. After 2 minutes of me and Tyler pounding each other’s face I backed away.

“What are you talking about?” I cried feeling dizzier by the second.

“Oh shut up Luke! This will only hurt for a long time.” Tyler smirked as he pulled out a knife and jabbed it in my stomach. The pain was unbearable and I couldn’t even breathe. I fell to the ground and there was no way I would be able to get back up. Tyler let out a laugh and just hopped into his car and drove away leaving me there to bleed on the hard concrete floor. I never imagined dying this way, getting stabbed and beaten. I imagined me dying because of old age. I started coughing which made the pain in my stomach feel even worse. I let out a huge cough which splattered my blood on the floor.

“I love you Kleah.” I barely managed to whisper as my eyes closed and everything went black.


I finally got dressed and ready and I was sitting on the couch waiting for Tyler to come. I was just checking out the channels and eating popcorn since Tyler was 30 minutes late. I kept checking my clock wanting to make sure that I was correct and I wasn’t just having a panic attack. I really didn’t want to go out with Tyler, Can I just say I’m sick or something? I mean there has to be a way out if it before he evens shows up on my door. But at that very moment my doorbell rang and I muttered a curse under my breath. I tried to hide behind my counter hoping he will go away but he just kept ringing and ringing. Right when he stopped I stood up and just my luck I knocked over a glass. SMASH! FUCK!  The noise was so loud that I didn’t even doubt for a second that he hadn’t heard. He started ringing the doorbell and I knew I had no choice but to answer the damn door.

“Hey.” I mumbled trying not to act awkward. I checked him out for a second and he looked….okay but the thing that really caught my eye was something like red or whatever on his hand. I squinted trying to see clearly what it was..blood. Why did he have blood on his hand?

“Uhh..Tyler. You have something on your hand.” He looked at his hand and his eyes widened.

“Yeah Haha. I got a cut and it dried. Can I use the bathroom?” He said forcing a laugh. I really didn’t believe him but at that moment I just wanted this date to just finish as fast as possible so I did not pound him any further with questions.

“Yeah, 3rd door on the left just pass the kitchen and into the hall.” I told him pointing him to the kitchen. He just nodded and left. I for one plopped onto the couch and let out a sigh.

“God help me through this.” I whispered as I heard the bathroom door close.

“Thanks for that.” He replied gesturing towards the door “So should we go.” I gulped and stood up from the couch turning off the T.V and grabbing my cell-phone and keys.

“Yeah.” I sighed closing the door and walking behind him. Maybe tonight won’t be so bad…..just maybe.


Dnt hate me for the cliff hanger haha :D But I will upload in a couple days! Comment Vote Fan :D 

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