Chapter 24- Last breath

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Finally updated -_-

Not as long as I would've liked for it to be...but OH WELL!

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I would like to know if I have people who actually follow the book???

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Song on the side ------------------------>

Does anyone even listen to them lmfao!?!?!

Oh well xD

Enjoy this lousy chapter



I and the undercover teacher were stuck in the middle of a forest with all these creepy weapons that I have never seen before in my life. There were stakes, guns, arrows, knives, and special grenades. We were stuck there waiting for Luke seeing as how he couldn’t just cut school without a teacher’s permission. He finally made his way towards us and gave me the most used look he uses “You’re gonna have to explain later”.

“Kleah…whose this?” Luke asked. I was about to answer, but then held myself back. I didn’t even know her name..and who was I to trust her? I just got into this chosey oney business and who knows if she’s lying? I mean I just met her, she might be the enemy. Oh geez, I over think things too much.

“I’m Karen.” She said smiling and extending her arm out to Luke to shake. “I’m undercover for the Soultarian Society. We have information that Kleah is in trouble by Waren.” Just the mention of his name made Luke go pale and Luke barely got afraid. His jaw muscles twitched and you could clearly see the fire burning in his eyes.

“What is he doing here?”

“Word got around that “The Chose One” has finally arrived, and you know his daily course…he kills them.” KILLS THEM!?! How many Chosen Ones has he killed? I let out a cough and both of their heads snapped towards me totally forgetting that I was here. “Them?” I asked weakly. Luke slowly nodded.

“He’s killed every Chosen One for the best 100 years..and the Chosen Ones only come every 30 years. They are all born on May 23, and the day that they turn 18 they reach their full potential.” She gulped a little and continued “And that is the day  that he comes for them, we aren’t really sure as to why you hasn’t come for you yet, but we do know that it is going to be soon so you will need to be prepared to fight him and win.” She said those last two words with so much doubt.

“Win!?” I exclaimed. “Listen here lady, just 2 weeks ago I realized that I carry this great destiny, now you want me to fight some ancient vampire who so far has never been defeated and has killed every Chosen One. I don’t know where you think that I would agree to fight him and die while doing it because I am not. I am only 18. I have my whole life ahead of me.” I cried putting her right on the spot.

“Kleah I understand, but you don’t have a choice.”

“I didn’t have a choice to become the Chosen One, but I sure as hell have a choice deciding whether I live or die! Since when has my life fallen into other peoples’ hands! IT’S MY LIFE! MY CHOICES!” I yelled walking away from her. Luke stuttered and finally managed to say

“I’ll deal with her.” And ran after me. “Hey! Kleah..” He said grabbing my arm which caused me to spin and face his piercing green eyes. He slowly cupped my face and lowered it on his shoulder causing me to break down and cry. It’s like he knew exactly what I needed. He knew exactly how I felt.

“I can’t do this Luke! I thought I could, I thought I could tough it out and be the hero everyone wishes I could be. Portray this person that I just can’t be. I’m terrified. I don’t wanna die.” I sobbed into this shoulder.

“Shhh..” He whispered stroking my hair. “I know. I can’t imagine what you’re feeling, but I’m here. You don’t have to pretend that you’re strong with me, or be someone you’re not around me. I fell for you because of who you are not because of someone made up fiction character the world has set out for you to be. I understand that this is tough, but no one is better for the job than you. No one has the kind of fierce, spunky, determined personality like you do.”

“Luke no one has survived…”

“No one was you.” He said lifting my face off of his shoulder and slowly leaning his lips towards mine till my last breath was captured between his lips. The minty taste in which he owned danced around my tongue while we kissed for what seemed like hours before he pulled away and our foreheads touched. “Train, try your best. I’ll be there every step to catch you when you fall and protect you.” He said giving me one of his heart melting smiles. I managed a weak nod. I needed to do this, for everyone. I needed to fight my way till my last breath.

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