Chapter 9- Don't fool yourself

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After Kleah left the bleachers I just sat there and thought. What if I tell her? I know she won’t return those feelings but maybe our friendship will be as strong as ever. It’s not certain that she break off our friendship just because of me liking her. This morning she just took my heart and ripped it. She told Tyler that she would never ever fall for a player and that if he was a normal nice guy that just maybe she would go out with him. That was like a slap in a face to me. So she could never fall for me and she would only date me if I was a “normal” guy. From now on no more girls just me. I’ll prove to her that I’m not the dog that she thinks I am. But oh god! She’s still mad at me cause I didn’t tell her what was actually up with me. I stayed another half hour just staring at the football field but finally I managed to get up and start to make my way to the cafeteria.  I walked in through the door and everybody was quiet. You could even hear a cricket. Their eyes were on this couple near the corner window kissing. They were so far away that I had to squint to see who it was- KLEAH AND TYLER! His lips were on hers and she didn’t even make the effort to pull away or shove him away. SHE WAS STILL AT FIRST BUT THEN ACTUALLY KISSED BACK! I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. My breath got caught in my throat and I felt like I couldn’t breathe. How was I so stupid! I should’ve knew she liked him, I should’ve never fell for her if I couldn’t be with her. That scumbag Tyler he doesn’t even like her I bet. Just wants to use her well she can go ahead and do whatever she wants with him cause at this moment I’m sick of her only seeing the good in people. Tyler will only use and leave her but if I even tried to explain that to her she would scream at me for being a hypocrite. I guess this one she has to handle herself. I ran out of the school and headed for my car pressing on the gas and just driving away to the only place that even helps me think or relax. Mine and Kleah’s secret spot.


My lips came crashing down on hers and I had to force myself to kiss back. Yes this girl was one hell of a kisser but she was just another girl. When we first met she seemed like a normal girl and I knew that I wanted to use her. You know make her fall for me then break her heart. I know Boo Ho! I’m so cruel well who cares. It’s not like she means anything at all to me. I knew exactly what to do and what to say to make her fall head over heels for me. And yes I must admit it took longer than I expected. I would’ve thought that she would be all over me by the first glance or so but oh no! She was a hell of a chase. Personally I would’ve just left her and ignored her but when I came to this school and found out that Kleah Walker was one of the hottest chicks here but nobody ever got with her, I made it my mission to get her in bed then leave her, making me the biggest player in school. My plan was slowing developing, however Luke managed to ruin it. I could see how she looks and him and how he looks at her, they clearly have this huge things for each other but are to stupid to notice that the other has the same feelings. I needed to take Luke’s status away, I needed to be the biggest player in this school but Luke keeps running the plan. Kleah is so uptight to fall for me because of Luke! Luke ran off like a whiney bitch after Kleah insulted “Players” and “how she could never fall for them”. But I had a plan, I needed to get Luke out of the picture for a while just so Kleah can get in bed with me. Afterwards Luke can swoop right back in. Poor, Kleah thinks I actually like her. Ha! Girls are usually so stupid now this days. I know what girls want to hear so I say it and then they fall “madly in love” with me. Kleah will just happen to be one of those victims. I already stole her first kiss ,yes I do know that she never had a boyfriend or a kiss or ever had sex; it was the talk of the school.  Yet Every guy wanted to get their hands on her and when I do it before them I’ll be damn popular. She’s so innocent that it will be so easy to steal her virginity. One step at a time.


I was so surprised that I didn’t even know what to do. I was as still as a statue however he was still kissing me. Crap, Kleah do something! What was I supposed to do? I didn’t know how to kiss cause this is my first kiss (Thanks to Luke) But I decided to kiss back. It felt so weird and just plain awkward. I thought that when you kiss someone that you feel bells ringing in the air and fireworks exploding well I heard crickets. I couldn’t take it much long so I backed away wiping my mouth is disgust. Was it me that was a bad kisser or was it him?  I mean he kisses plenty of girls so it couldn’t be him. It had to be me I didn’t know how to kiss.

“I…uhmmm..I’m not..hungry.. I’m.. just..well…I have to go.” I said signaling to door since I was at lost for words. Now just standing in front of Tyler made me feel awkward and I had no idea how it would feel when we’re on a date.

“Hey. Instead of a movie or dinner for our date can we just go to a party that my friend is throwing.” He asked giving me a smirk. Did this guy really think that was a good kiss. I shivered just thinking about it.

“Yeah, I guess.” And turned to walk away.


Now that you know Tyler's real motive for Kleah what do you think will go down at the party? Gonna be busy with summer hwk so prob wont update till the 23 but  COMMENT,VOTE, AND MOSTLY IMPORTANTY READ!!!!!!! 

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