Chapter 14- All's Fair in Love and War.

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It took probably 30 minutes to arrive at the party and once we did it took another 20 minutes to just find a parking spot. The house was pretty big considering the people that were here. There were tons or beer bottles on the grass as you were heading for the front door and people sucking each other’s tongues and THAT WAS ONLY OUTSIDE. Once you entered you just saw confetti and streamers hanging off of the chandeliers. You saw girls running around in their bikinis trying to reach the pool and Jacuzzi before it become too full. You saw people just grinding on each other and going crazy dancing, it just wasn’t my taste. I guess Tyler saw how uncomfortable I was because he leaned in my year and whispered

“Just stay near me and you’ll be safe.” And pulled me closer to him. Now that made me even more uncomfortable so I just gave him a weak smile and tried to wiggle my way out of his grasp. After an hour me and Tyler were on the dance floor dancing, I guess I kinda loosened up after a while. And I must admit he was acting like a gentlemen, he didn’t try anything which made me feel comfortable.

“Come with me.” Tyler whispered in my ear leading me upstairs. Ok,let me take that back I AM EXTREMLY UNCOMFROTABLE.

“Can we just stay downstairs and dance?” I asked pointing back down to the stairs.

“Don’t be silly.” He laughed and opened up a door leading to a room. Let me just say this room was pitch black and I couldn’t see a single thing. All of a sudden I felt myself being pulled onto what I think was a bed.

“What do you think your doing?” I cried trying to figure out which part of the room Tyler was exactly at.

“Shh.” He whispered. All of a sudden I felt him lay on top of me and his lips pushed up against mine. I tried to push him of off me but he just pushed up against me even harder. Now that just got me even more pissed off and it took all my strength to push him off of me and find the light switch. Once I turned on the light I saw that he was right in front of me smirking.

“Oh so you want it the hard way.” He pushed me against the wall and kissed me with all his force. His hand started to trail up my shirt and I shoved him away and punched him. He flew across the room and landed on the floor touching his bloody mouth. I didn’t even wait for him to get up, I slammed shut the door and ran downstairs bolting through the front door onto the sidewalk. Where should I go? I just started running. I couldn’t even believe I thought Tyler was even a decent guy. FORCING HIMSELF ON ME! Who does that!?! I’m not a bit scared cause I can take care of myself. I know how to fight thanks to Luke’s boxing lesson’s. SHIT! Should I tell Luke what happened. But then I would have to explain why I didn’t tell him about the date and everything else, to much work! But I have to tell him! HE’S MY BEST FRIEND! My phone started ringing and I checked the caller id. Mrs.Hunter. What would she want at this time?


“KLEAH! LUKE IS IN THE HOPSTIAL. HE GOT STABBED AND LOST A LOT OF BLOOD. PLEASE COME AND HURRY.” I stopped dead in my tracks and my phone fell out of my hands. Everything was going in slow motion, Luke is in the hospital. All I could do at that moment was run! JUST RUN! I started using all of my force and ran as fast as I could. The hospital wasn’t even near but I didn’t care. I had to make it. I can’t lose him, not now. Tears were running down my cheek and my whole body was numb. My legs were moving at the fastest pace as possible but I still pushed myself even farther. After 5 more minutes the hospital finally came into in view which gave me even more strength to carry on as fast as I can. I ran inside and took the elevator which lead me to the front desk on the second floor. I finally saw a nurse at the front desk on the phone.

“Excuse me?” She looked up at me and just continued talking on the phone. 

“Taylor He is a douche if he isn’t going out with you. Ya girl you’re the bomb.” Was this girl joking?

“Excuse me!” The nurse finally looked up at me and placed the phone on her shoulder.

“Do you not see I am on the phone.” She said chewing her gum like a cow making as much noise as possible. I finally lost my temper and grabbed her by her shirt

“LISTEN HERE BLONDIE. MY FUCKEN BEST FRIEND IS ALMOST DYING. I PERSONALLY THINK THAT, THAT IS MORE IMPORTANT THEN YOUR SLUTLY FRIEND “TAYLOR” OK!,” Her eyes widened in terror and she gulped. “Now check your damn list and tell me where Luke Hunter is placed in!” She just nodded her head and quickly rushed over to her patients list.

“Uh..Uh.. Luke Hunter…room..314” I didn’t even say thank you to the bitch cause she didn’t even deserve it I just rushed into 314. Nobody was inside except Luke. I rushed right over to the hospital bed and he was so still. I couldn’t stop my tears looking at him. He looked so lifeless and so helpless. He didn’t blink an eye or move a finger. There were hundreds of machines operating on him. He had a black eye and a bloody nose.

“You probably can’t even hear me so what difference does this make. But Luke please don’t leave me. Please don’t. You were always there for me and I don’t know what I would do without you. You can’t just leave me, I need you. I always did,” I took a hold of his hand and just stared at him “I like you Luke I always did. And I know my timing sucks so bad but I might not get another chance to say it again. To see you again and I regret not telling you how I feel. Luke please don’t die on me! I’m gonna miss you making me smile when I was always down. I’m gonna miss you making me blush with your stupid comments. And if you leave now I would miss what could’ve been.” I wiped my tears away and leaned over him giving him a soft peck on the lips.

“I love you Luke.” I said still staring at him. All of a sudden his heart monitor started beeping and his heart rate started to lower.

“LUKE!” I screamed looking at the numbers go down. You can’t die on me now! PLEASE! “NURSE!” I yelled out the door still holding his hand. I am not letting him go, not yet. The nurse came in and she started calling other doctors.

“Miss you have to go.” One of the doctors told me while directing the nurses to check on Luke

“NO! I AM NOT LEAVING!” I cried still holding his hand. The doctor tried to order me out but I just wouldn’t listen to him, I am not leaving him. However I felt arms wrap around me and try to push me out. I struggled against the doctors force. “NO! Please! PLEASE DON’T LEAVEME! LUKE.” I sobbed as I tried all my force to break away from the doctors tight grasp. “I LOVE YOU LUKE! DON’T LEAVE ME!” I sobbed trying to hold onto the door as the doctor dragged me out. “I LOVE YOU LUKE!” I cried as the doctor sat me down on the chair. My head was down and I was just sobbing couldn’t even stop. After a while of me just creating a waterfall my brain started thinking. I hadn’t heard from Luke the entire night, Tyler was late, He claimed he cut himself but there was no cut, and now Luke is stabbed. It all made perfect sense. TYLER STABBED LUKE! My fury started building up as much as possible. That douche is getting it! I ran outside and made my way back over to the party. HOW COULD HE! What did Luke ever do to him! I SWEAR IF LUKE DOESN’T MAKE IT NEITHER WILL TYLER. I spotted Tyler laid out across the grass laughing with his friends. As soon as I was close enough to him I grabbed him by his hair and dragged him across the yard.

“YOU FUCKEN PIECE OF SHIT!” I punched him right across the face as he landed hard against the floor. “DO YOU KNOW LUKE IS IN THE HOSPIAL BECAUSE OF YOU!” He tried standing up again but I kicked him in the stomach. I didn’t care that I looked like a mental freak right now, all I cared about was that Luke looks like he won’t make it and Tyler is to blame. Tyler coughed for a little while but I just stared at him and crossed my arms. “If Luke doesn’t make it mark my words neither will you.” I gave him one last kick and just stomped off. I couldn’t handle controlling my tears anymore and I just started sobbing. Luke is in the hospital.


Writing this chapter was so hard but I finally did! TELL ME WHAT U THINK!!!!!!! Vote!! Fan!! Comment!! :D

We All Have Secrets.....On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara