Chapter 6

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Well I really wanted to post an update even though nobody commented :(


"5,4,3,2,1 Recover!" David yelled

"That's 94 sit-ups so add 94 points to the score."

"Next is the 3 mile jog", he said grinning.

Why the he'll was he grinning, I was a freaking beast at running usually running a 21:46.

We both took off running down the dry, hot pavement, the air was devoid of any moisture and made running quite difficult.

Coming up at the 1.5 mile mark my lungs were heaving from the dry air and my muscles screamed in pain. This was odd and didn't usually happen when I ran.

"David slow down please!"

His run slowed to a fast jog as he tried to match my slow pace, his brow furrowed slightly in confusion.

"Have you not been running during the day and only at night?"

I nodded.

"What the hell were you thinking, during Bootcamp you run at any time of day rain or shine." Somehow his voice stayed steady even though he was jogging.

"I didn't really think about it".

He slowed to a walk and pulled out the stopwatch.

"25:58, that sucks and I need to teach you something."

"Ok." I replied

"At bootcamp you can not refer to yourself as I you adress yourself as this recruit at all times".

I pondered this.

"Sir, this recruit would like to head home". Grinning at him.

"Very good recruit, but your DI wont be this polite to you".

I raised my eyebrow knowingly at him to question his mere sanity as if he didn't think I knew anything about the so called horrors of any military Bootcamp.

I was so sweaty that my Adidas black workout shorts were dripping warm sweat down my leg and making it very uncomfortable. My tshirt was covered in gross sweatstains, it was like 107 degrees. I took a large swig of water from my water bottle and wiped my face with the somewhat clean ends of my sweatshirt.

We were pretty close to our house, only about a street or so away so I glanced at David.

"I will race you back to the house sir!"

As soon as I was done he took off running full speed towards the house. His nikes loudly slapping the pavement, I chased after him.

When we reached our driveway I noticed another in the drive. An expensive looking black convertible with Texas tags, a huge grin was plastered on Davids face and without a word he dashed into the house. Loud screams and giggles flowed out the door and whispered into my ears.


Ahhhh I have a stupid itching mosquito bite

Crushing hard in Marine Bootcamp and Operation Semper FiWhere stories live. Discover now