Chapter 11

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"Last Call for flight 347 nonstop service to Paris Island!"

Me and David were running towards the gate, our suitcases all but flying behind us.

"Almost there!" David called tugging me towards the gate which was now right in front of us .

The gate attendants saw us approaching the gate and hurriedly beckoned us toward them.

"Y'all better hurry were leavin in 3 minutes!" She said in an awful southern accent.

Glancing at David, he grinned at me and pulled me into a tight hug. His warm arms completely encircling me, I felt a feeling of sudden sadness. I would really miss him for 8 weeks until he came to Paris Island on a reassignment.

"Now don't get all soft on me bro, I'll see yah in a few weeks." he said a trace of concern in his voice.

"Don't worry bout me, I might die or something but itll be fun!". He looked at me like I just left the insane asylum.

"You are one weird girl ash."

"That's what they tell me."

I looked deeply into his eyes, so much concern was in his features, I hugged him again.

"Can we hurry it up her darlin's the captain wants to be leav'in" The pesky gate attendant said.

"Love you bro."

"Love you more!"

I turned and handed the lady my ticket, she angrily snatched it out of my hand and all but pushed me through the doors.

I didn't look back, my eyes were on the future lying ahead of me.

5 minutes later.

After taking my seat I barely had any time to stow my bags and apolegitcly squeeze through the people who were in my row I managed to get a few angry glares, the pilot came on announcing our departure.

The plane began to taxi out of the gate, glaring out the window the purple hues of the Dallas skyline were beginning to fade to blue and the sun was almost completely risen on the horizon.

"Beautiful morning ain't it?"

Without turning to see who could possibly be disturbing my thoughts I replied,"Do you mind, im kinda busy!"

"Sorry, you know you don't look look like the kind of girl to be rude to strangers?"

"Seriously you really ought to-" My thoughts ran out of my head as soon as i turned to look at the man sitting next to me.

Even in the awful fluorescent light this man managed to look like an absolute god, I rubbed my eyes trying to clear my vision to make sure that this man really did look that good.

His close cropped brown hair looked rugged against his angular cheekbones, a taut stretch of perfectly tan skin made his animated blue eyes deliciously enticing. His jaw looked so sharp and beautiful almost like it could cut the thick tension of his lovely blues eyes staring at me while I checked this gorgeous chunk of man out.

He cleared his throat.

I could feel myself blush furiously as he spoke," Like what you see?"

Gaping, " The names Fischer, Braxton Fischer". He said extending a hand.

Almost intelligibly, "Ashey Daniels pleasure to meet you Braxton".

His rough hand felt so naturally in my slim hands.

Feeling the plane pick up speed I sat back in my seat, I could feel Braxtons gaze on me like a red hot wild fire.


What did you think????? Next chappie posted soon :))))

Crushing hard in Marine Bootcamp and Operation Semper Fiحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن