Chapter 28

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Guys I almost have 5,000 reads, I personally thought no one would ever want to read this book but y'all have proved me wrong


Braxtons POV

After David left I went back to Ashs room and checked on her to make sure she was still okay, kissed her forehead and fell back asleep in the chair beside.



April 4, 2004 2 years ago, outside Baghdad, Iraq Operation Freedom

The hot Iraqi sun beat down on our platoon, 10 of my closest comrades better known as my brothers surrounded me. We just arrived and the temperture was well over 115, full gear and an M-16 a4 in our hands goofing off was an energy drain.

Base camp wasn't set up yet and a chainlink fence was the only protection from us and the people trying to kill us.

Our misson was to take a convoy into the heart of Baghdad and secure the city, with whatever force nessecary.

We pulled out of base with 2 humvees, 4 guys inside and one guy ontop with a weapon.

I was ontop, the weapon in my hands reminding me what I would do to anyone who threatened our saftey. This was my first ship since graduating from the Merchent Marine Academy, though an officer they still considered me a rookie.

"Fisch you a-okay up there?"

Chief Cortez said from inside the humvee cab.

"Stayin sharp! Captain Sarcasm!" I echoed back.

The humvee rolled into motion, my eyes gauged against the featureless horizon, it would be a few hours until we arrived at Fallujah then a few more hours into Baghdad.



I awoke to the sound of Ash complaining that she had to pee but couldnt go because she still couldnt see.

"Morning to you as well Ash." I commentated.

"Hey Braxton didn't see you there."

"Har har very funny Ash."

"Thanks Captain Obvious."

"Forgot my rank that easily Angel?"

"Oh wait it was Chief Sarcasm wasn't it?" She asked an innocent look on her face.

I sat silent, reflecting back to my dream.


Her voice faded out of my ears.......



Cheif's body lay riddled with bullets and shrapnal in the front seat of the humvee, I closed his eyes and I wept.

"Braxton lets go." Kissinger said to me gentley.

We had been hit by an ambush of terrist supporters, my fingers locked up on my weapon and I stared out in disbelief at the scene in front of me. My comrades yelling for me to take action.

6 months latter I had arrived at the house of Chiefs widow and gave her the note that was in his left breast pocket. We all had something written in ours incase we were KIA'ed.

I was responsible for the death of Chief Master Sergent Rico Cortez, I was responsible for taking him away and leaving behind his wife and 3 kids.



"Braxton answer me!"

Ashs voice was pleading but I couldn't answer her, tears fell silently down my face and I felt her hand entangle with mine.

She pulled me up onto the bed with her and she wrapped her arms around me.

She whispered into my ears and the meaningless comforts brought me back from the deep end.

Ashs POV

As my arms held him and his tears fell I realized that Braxton was just walls, true emotions cracking beneth the surface, that he was just holding on by the skin of his teeth.

"Umm, Braxton I still have to pee..."

He gave me a weak chuckle, and I felt him looking at my face. He got off the bed and I heard the door click open and more footsteps shuffle inside.

"Goodmorning Ashley its Dr.Munez or Garett whichever works."

"Morning", I said not particularly caring.

"Were gonna get you ready and outta this room, how does that sound."

"Great, but where am I going?"

"Braxton's takin you to his house for a week back in Dallas."

"OK, is he still here?" I asked.

"He bolted outta here, what did you do to him?"

"Non yah." I snickered.

An hour later I was unplugged from multiple machines and drips, dressed back into pt's, cleaned up and seated in a wheelchair on the infirmiry porch waiting for Braxton to come back and get me.

The sweet air was a delicious change to the sterile odor of the infirmiry. And as much as I wanted to hurry up and become a Marine 2 weeks off sounded spectacular.

"Baby girl you look awful hilarious in a wheel chair". Braxtons warm voice greeted me.

"Well B, at least your enjoying it", I snickered.


"Yup", I said popping the p.

I felt him pick me up bridal style, and he suprisingly didn't dump me on my backside because be would do that. I heard a car door open and he gently place me inside and put on my seatbelt.

"Hey B?"

"Yes Ash."

His voice sounded distant.

"What kinda car do you drive?"

"An F-150".

"Thanks B", I drawled out.

"For what?" He asked as he got in the drivers seat.

"B, thanks for saving me."

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