Chapter 33

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Braxtons POV

Ashley was pounding and screaming at my door, demanding entrance.

"BRAXTON OPEN THE DOOR!!!!" She screamed.


Felix must have told her about my deployment.No doubt thats what she was going on and on about.

I layed down on my navy blue comforter on my bed, immediatly feeling tired. If only Ash wasnt pounding on my door I could fall alseep. Watching the fan spin above me I listened to her slowly give up on her attempt to get me to come out of my room. Her pounds turning to thuds and finally to taps and then it was gone all together.

I got up off my bed and changed into a clean(er) cutoff shirt and opened my window as wide as it would go.

My room was on the second floor of the farmhouse so it would be more difficult to get to the ground but I had done it many times before. Pulling out the screen and setting it next to my drak oak dresser I climed through the window and onto the slanted shingles of the roof. The ground loomed about 12 feet below so I sat down and slid off, landing on a rare patch of grass below the window.

I walked out towards the barn, dust kicking up at my heels and the sun low in the setting sky. Texas sunsets were some of the most beautiful thingsi I'd ever seen. Dashes of fushica mingled with the bright orange rays and clouds gathered low. Baghdad was worlds away from were I was now.

Sunsets were dangerous, the night sky left us all restless and on edge. Danger was hard to see in the dark, one wrong turn and you  could be dead along with everyone else from your team. Firefights in the dark was similar to seeing something from Star Wars.

At the barn I was greeted by a dusty, muddy creature called Boo. He was a German Shepherd, black and a deep deep mahogany, he had been my best friends dog in my posseion after he died during a deployment. It was safe to say I was his only friend, he was wary of all other humans. He sulked while I was away from home.

I grabbed a tennis ball from a bucket inside the barn and tossed it into a grove of trees a short distance away. Boo chased after it like a muddy bullet, dissapering into some pirckly bushes below the trees to find the ball.

I whistled for him.

Bounding out of the trees and returning to me a very dusty ball I continued to throw the ball as we made our way towards the lake. Boo racing across my path in pursuit of his favorite object.

"Stupid dog, I muttered as I tossed the ball again, but he refused to chase it. Content to walk by my side until we reached the lake. Where he then ran back towards the house and left me in the company of my thoughts.

Sitting down on the rocky banks of the lake I skipped rocks into its deep murky surface, that held so many memories of days on the lake with my brother and father. I skipped another rock. It bounced several times before diasppering into the bluey green of the water wihtout a sound. Just the way my relationship with Ash had gone.

"I should'nt have kissed her." I whispered in my mind.

"I should'nt have liked her." I whispered aloud.

"I shoud'nt have fallen for her." I said a louder.

"I should'nt have helped her." I said at a normal voice.

"I should'nt have loved her." I said loud now, my voice carried across the lake.

"But you did".

I turned around.

In the moonlight she stood before me.

Blonde ringlets framed her face, cascading down her shoulders touching the middle of her back, Her slender face capturing her soft pink lips and displaying her large green eyes shawdowed by thick, long inky black eyelashes. Ashley Daniels was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen.

Ashs POV

He stood there, his back turned to me. Shouting out across the lake the troubles that were weighed his shoudlers down.

"But you did." I said timidly.

He turned to face me, a misture of awe inscribed acrossed it.

His angular face covered lightly by a dusting of stubble across his rugged features, haunting eyes held me at a distance, thick dark hair obscured one of of those eyes and his tight shirt showcased he abs and endowed his musular arms.

I was angry at this gorgeous man, and I didnt want to be, he didnt deserve it.

Braxtons POV

"Ashley I'm sorry, you deserved to know." I said looking directly at her.

She was silent for a moment, seeming to take it all in.

She moved closer to me, close enough for me to smell her strawberry scent, she looked up at me.

"Is there anything else I should know B?"

I considered telling her about her brother, he should be the one to tell her, "Your brother is deploying as well."

Her mouth opened slightly, but she was in control of her temper.

"Of course he is." She said sadly.

"I WILL watch out for your brother as he would watch out for me Ash, we WILL both be home safe in six months."

She took my words into consideration.

Looking into my eyes she said, "Braxton FIscher I love you."


Promise next chapter she will be back at bootcamp please comment and vote please!!!

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