Chapter 7

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My brothers girlfriend Victoria ran down the driveway, her bottle blond ponytail bobbing up and down as she reached out her arms to hug me.

"OMG Ash it's so wonderful to see you!", she gasped in her annoyingly high perky voice.

"What a pleasant surprise," I replied my voice filled with sarcasm.

Her fake french nails were digging into my arms and I shook her off. She was so skinny she looked like one touch might break her in half or something.

I watched her eyes inspect my sweaty and grimy appearance.

"You know Ash it might not hurt to be a girl once in a while, you could even put on a dress once in a while".

I ignored her and turned to go into the house, I really didn't enjoy Victoria and she didn't like me too well either so it was more or less a win win situation. We both usually just ignored each other.

"Hey Ash wait!", Victoria yelled after ne as I walked up to the front door of our house.

I grumbled and turned around waiting for something useless and boring to happen, I was however not expecting this.

My brother was knelt on the ground in front of Victoria a goofy look plastered on his face, a huge face wide smile on her and then he did it.

Noo freakin way!

"Victoria will you marry me?"

"Noooo you can't marry her!"

The two of then took a look at me and started cracking up like my face was the funniest thing on the freaking planet.

"Were just kidding", David said between fits of laughter.

I looked at them incredoulsy and went into the house slamming the heavy oak door behind me. What assholes!

Kicking off my tennies I stalked angrily past the kitchen, my mother chopping a tomato looks at me and began to speak.

"Now what happened?"

Conpletly blowing her off I headed to the stairs and went to my room. Flopping down onto the duvet I quickly fell asleep, the workout from earlier catching up with me as I slipped into a peaceful undisturbed sleep.


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