Chapter 27

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Hello lovely people, expect an update every day if not twice a day until thursday night then I leave for vacation. Chapters are short cause im writing this on an iphone and not on a computer, cause I don't have one. Enjoy!

Pic of David -------->


Davids POV

Ash was sleeping peacefully as I walked into her room, Braxton was asleep in the chair next to her holding her hand. I walked over to him and poked his face, he grabbed my hand and one eye opened.

"Don't you have something better to be doing than poking a sleeping man?" He asked me inquisitivly.

"Nope." I replied with a grin.

He socked me in the shoulder and got up out of the chair gently releasing my sisters hand, who stirred ever so slightly.

Grabbing his collar I tugged him out of the room and slowly shut the door.

"She's not gonna wake up." Braxton said.

I felt my face flush, "What do you mean she's not gonna wake up?!"

He put his hand on my shoulder, his face serious "Doc wont know if she'll ever wake up."

He suddenly doubled over laughing and grinning, "Your face was hilarious!" He said inbetween laughs.

"Braxton you make my life miserable!" I said as I punched his arm.

Still laughing he tried to hit me back but he hit the wall to Ashs room instead.:

"Braxton?!" A loud yet timid voice said.

We both looked at each other then I through open the door to her room and she was sitting up in her bed like a frightened doe.

She squealed, "David!"

I went over to her and wrapped her up in a tight embrace.

"David I love you to but I can't breathe."

I released her and looked over at Braxton who was mimicking her, still red in the face.

"Grow up." I muttered.

"You know you love me Daniels", he cackled.

"Dream on Fisch, dream on."

"Whatever you say captain." He said with a mock salute

Ash poked my arm, "I tolerate you both, but can you get the HELL outta my room, some people are tryin to sleep!"

Me and Braxton looked at each other than looked at her.

"Yes ma'am!" We saluted her then left the room closing the door behind us.

Strolling out the infirmiry doors together, we walked out into the muggy Carolina night.

Looking out to the left on the path I could hear Donovan a few clicks away giving her recruits a nightime 4 mile run.

Braxton was sitting on the worn wooden steps of the infirmiry and I joined him.

"Generals got some new orders for you."

He turned to look at me.

"Since Ash is pretty much not gonna be able to do anything for atleast a week, General wants to know if you want the two of you to go back to Dallas together".

He raised an eyebrow.

"If you want she can spend a week with you at your place then when you ship she'll go back to our house."

"What about her training?" He asked.

"Generals makin an exception, once she's clear for training he will recycle her back to the week she was at".

I continued, "And by the way I am also shippin out to Baghdad with you."

Braxton was kicking the rocks at the bottom of the steps, his face a mask.

He looked up at me,"Thats fine with me, why arnt you going home for your two weeks?"

"Got some things to finish up here, but I may drop home a few days to see Victoria but it all depends".

"You guys should be married or something, whats it been 4 years?"

"2, Braxton 2."

"Oh please". He said.

"Goodnight Braxton, please try not to harass anyone tonight."

I got up off the steps and began to jog off.

"Aye, aye sir!" Braxton called after me.

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