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*Note: This work is a work of fiction. Any similarity of names, places, events and details are merely coincidence. No part of this story can be reproduced in any way.

Dedicated to Haynii for voting for my Islamic Poems. Thanks a lot sis! 

1. The Online Accident

You have been tagged in a photo. My facebook notification says. Huh? Why would I even be tag in a photo when I don't even display picture of myself nor join in any group selfies. I clicked the icon. And saw that true enough I was really mistaken to be somebody else. With Zainab Muslimah. Yeah that's my facebook name. But whoah! I am this niqabi girl? This isn't me. I wear veil and keep myself covered as properly as I could be. I do wear an abaya but it will be after marrying someone that I will start wearing one. I looked at the pretty niqabi lady and noticed that her eyes were bright and cheerful. She was definitely smiling on her picture. It was a family reunion and she was with her big family of more than ten people. It looked like an after dinner event. I silently made du'a for her and untag myself.

"Zainab, Cherry is here," my Mom called out.

Oh it must be Cherry who's coming over so we can finish the business plans. We are putting up a printing shop business for cards and invitations and other documents. Being a graduate of education did not motivate me to pursue teaching. I wanted to be my own boss and seeing my Mom not having time for herself while being a public school teacher finalized my decision to explore small businesses.

I climbed down from my bedroom, carrying my netbook and headed for the living room. Cherry was absolutely grinning from ear to ear.

"We got the permit! Yey!" she squalled in delight.

"Really? Wow!"

"So we can really start working tomorrow. I am excited! Of course, there isn't going to be lots of customers at first but eventually we will have. Hey, I was thinking we should have a page for our shop. Prints Perfectly is going to be an in – demand printing company that one day.."

"Slow down, slow down. Let us not count our chicks unless they are hatched."

This brought her to her senses. She giggled and gave me the permit as I sat next to her. I stared at it for what seemed to be a moment.

"Hey, how long are you going to stare at that?" she teased.

I gave her a tight hug.

"Finally, it's really happening!" I could not help but squealed in delight.

"This calls for a celebration," Mom said, carrying a tray of food for us.

"Not yet Mom, maybe on our first year. Just some du'a and a ribbon cutting ceremony and the adhan sounding would be fine," I told her.

We were trimming down the budget so only 100 people are expected to come in tomorrow's opening.

"Alright ladies, just make sure I get to receive a copy of your best selling greeting card every month," Mom said.

"Of course Aunty. Just help us advertise to your pupils and parents," Cherry said to her.

"I am one step ahead of you. I think I will be distributing flyers about it on our next Parent – Teacher Meeting."

"Alhamdulillah!" both of us said.

We continued chatting even after Mom left for the grocery store. We were making our facebook page when suddenly somebody gave me a private message.

"Assalamu alaykum," my chat box said.

I looked at the profile. Astaghfirullah it was a man.

Amir Luqman was his name. Who is this person? I don't even know him.

I wanted to ignore the message but I realized it must have been another mistaken identity after the tag. I do not have a profile pic. Only the picture of my cat, Jannah.

I looked at Cherry who was busy putting her veil back. She was busy so I decided to reply right away to the man before she sees me. Cherry was a Muslim revert and I wanted to set a good example for her. I helped her through the process of finding Islam as the true religion and one of the things she is still confuse about Islam is why having a boyfriend is haram.

"Wa alaykumusalam. I'm sorry but you must have mistaken me for somebody else."

"So, I will go now. I'll see you later after Asr at 4:30 at the shop?" Cherry asked.

I stood up and accompanied her to the door.

"In shaa Allah. You take care alright? Assalamu alaykum!"

"Wa alaykumusalam."

I saw her closed our gate and went back inside.

I checked at my laptop and to my surprise, the Amir guy left a very long message.

It said:

"I know you have deactivated your facebook because of me. I know you never want to see me nor talk to me. I am sorry if I ever made you feel uncomfortable. I have been trying to dismiss my feelings but I cannot. So please give me a chance. I will wait for you at Sitti's Cake Shop tomorrow. I will wait from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. I will be there.... Even if I am not sure whether or not you are coming. I will still go. I need to see you. I really need to see you. I put my faith in Allah that you are meant for me. If not, then at least, tell me you don't like me, face to face. So I can stop wishing, wanting and praying. In shaa Allah, I will see you."

My heart was beating very fast. I felt something painful in my chest. This man really loves her. He really does. Wait, what if the real Zainab feels the same way and she has no way of knowing that he will wait tomorrow. Oh ya Rabb, what should I do?

I reread his message.

I lay out my fingers on my keyboard and thought of a reply. But went against it.

I checked out his profile and it was public. I read his posts, it was all Islamic and it made him seem to be a religious man. But there was one post that made my heart skip a beat. He was there too? I thought I was just alone in that beach. I looked at the date and time attached to the picture. I grabbed my phone from the table and went to my gallery.

January 12, 5:45pm. Three months ago.

He was looking at the sunset too.

Wasn't it the day I cried because Joseph left for Kuwait?

Wasn't it the day I made a promise to myself to no longer communicate with a non – mahram man? Because it only gives false hopes and corrupts the heart and weakens the eeman.

La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah.

I will see this man. Perhaps I can help him.

This was no coincidence.

This is not an online accident.

This must be Allah's Plan.

If it isn't then may Allah protect me tomorrow.


"Certainly, no one despairs of Allah's Mercy, except the people who disbelieve."

- Qur'an 12:87


Thank you for reading. Hope you can vote and comment. In shaa Allah.

Jazakallahu khairan! Assalamu alaykum. ^___^


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