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25. Another Proposal

Zai's POV

This has been by far one of the best family moments I've ever had. The last two days has been spent with swimming, games, late night bonfire and eating with all three families. Every time look at Ridzmar and his family, Amir's family and mine, I make a silent thank you du'a to Allah for blessing me with so much, with loving families with less burdens and surmountable difficulties.

I was running after my little brothers and sisters - in law as we played hide and seek. We changed the rules in a way that I have to tickle them in order to officially declare that I'm no longer the it. But geez, they ran so so fast. I just saw the youngest Ayesha behind the tree. Great! The sun has been on me and Amir gave me specific instructions to return to our cottage only after sunset. He says he has a surprise for me. Whatever that surprise would be, I only hope I can still have enough energy to be awake after Maghrib. I stealthily headed towards the coconut tree. Her back was so visible. This third grade sister of Amir is just so adorable.

"Found you!" I yelled and hugged her and began to tickle her until both of us were on the sand.

"Hahaha, Ayesha's it again. We're the last one standing France!" fifth grade David said who appeared giving a high - five with France. Both of them never played as the it.

"Yes, boys are so stronger, quicker and wiser than girls," fourth grade France said.

"Hep, hep, no gender discrimination," Hannah called out who was with Adzar.

"What does gender dis...cri...discri..." Adzar asked.

Oh he's so cute! Ayesha and I rose up and we exchanged gazes and started running after Adzar.

"Mommy, mommy, they're doing it again," he said, panicking, running away from us.

I was laughing out loud. Scaring little Adzar with tickles was one of my favorite activities. He hates being tickled and would promise you anything just to make you stop.

"Hurry Aunty Zai. I'd love to have Adzar give me his helicopter toy," Ayesha announced happily.

Oh, I am such a bully, in a nice way I bet. I do promise to stop when I'm being too much.

Soon after we saw Adzar hiding behind a familiar man.

By this time, I had stopped running and Ayesha stormed towards Aaron.

"Uncle Ey-ey! You're here!" she said, hugging him.

Aaron carried her and I noticed too that Adzar was pulling his yellow shirt.

"Carry me too Uncle Ey-ey," he said, pouting.

To my surprise, Aaron scooped Adzar and now both children were in each of his arms.

"Oh my, you have grown heavier. I think Uncle Ey-ey cannot carry your weight any---mo-more..." he faked then pretended to be slightly falling, making Adzar and Ayesha giggle.

"Mommy Zai!"

I was suddenly pulled downwards by Yahya's firm hands and next thing I know, he was already hugging me tight.

"I'm so happy we finally found you! Daddy Aaron didn't want me to look for you so I had to run away from him," he said giving a glare to his foster father.

Oh, that explains why I didn't see them this morning.

"Hey little boy, who are you? Why are you calling my Aunt Mommy and Uncle Ey-ey as Daddy? They are not husband and wife. My brother, Kakah Amir is Aunty Zai's husband," Ayesha spoke sarcastically.

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