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This chapter is dedicated to NafezaBaksh for adding my story. Thank you Sis! ^___^

Picture of Zainab Jamaeca above. 

4. The Third Wheel, The Dream Girl

She loves him. This is the only thing that went through my mind as I read her message for me. Otherwise, why would she want to know me? Why would she be affected by his post? And if she loves him, what's stopping her?

I replied after an hour of contemplation.

Zainab Muslimah: Wa alaykumusalam fellow Zainab. Sure, but how did you know me?

She was typing while I found myself thinking of Amir's sad face at PP (Prints Perfectly) while we talked about her.

""I know but sadly, she does not want to love me in a halal way. Her twice rejection over me has proven that point."

My phone vibrated and hurriedly, I read her reply.

HerSelfForHIM: Can we meet tomorrow? I really want to be your friend. Oh just call me ZJ. J

She is avoiding the question.

Wait, what if she turns out to be a weirdo with psychological problems. What if she's a psychopath and she ends up killing me?

Oh, I am just exaggerating. I shook my head left and right. I was about to type in my reply when on my screen Cherry's name appeared, calling me.

I swipe the answer button.

"Assalamu alaykum, you seen zone my message. Did something happen? Is everything alright?" she said way too fast.

"Wa alaykumusalam. Nothing to worry, it went well. Alhamdulillah."

Then I began telling her every detail of the meeting with Amir including ZJ's (Zainab Jamaeca) messages.

"What? Why would she message you? She's into him. She's into him."

"That's what my mind tells me. But I don't want to judge her. It's not right. I intend to meet her in person."

"I'll come with you."

"No need, she might feel awkward. Just in case she wants to say something to Amir and would want me to tell him myself."

"You got a point there. But waaaaah," she started to yell.

"Ha? Why are you yelling?"

"Nothing. It's just that it's only been 24 hours and two strangers want to be part of your life. It's crazy right?"

"Yeah, very..." I agreed.

Come to think of it. It really does seem odd. Maybe it's a façade or a frame up? Hmm, or maybe they are hustlers wanting to take money from me.

"Hey, Zai, are you still there?"

"Yes, still here. I was just thinking.... Ahh, I feel tired now. But hey, we got good sales today."

Then Cherry and I started raving about today's events. Our visitors in the morning were truly superb. Close friends and relatives were there, even my friends from high school and college. Some of our neighbors were there too. Truly, what a blessing.

After the call, I decided to pray two raka'at of thanking Allah for all the Mercy and Guidance HE have showered upon me and my loved ones. I was content and I truly cannot ask for anything more other than to strengthen my nearness to HIM. Ameen.

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