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I just turned a year older yesterday, yey, alhamdulilah. A year closer to death, in shaa Allah, HE will make us more prepared.

47. Ya Allah

Zai's POV

How does one survive a hurricane? How does one face a constant storm that goes on and on? How does one understand what can never be understood by the heart? How does one go back to the past and live there? How can the present be this cruel? No, it cannot be, it simply cannot be.

I grasped the telephone wire so tightly, feeling my knees wanting to bend. My hands were sweaty, my eyebrows were sweating, my eyes were blurry in tears. I was dizzy and I felt like wanting to just disappear on the face of the earth. My world has crushed down. My entire being has no more sense anymore. Life has no meaning. Life has no meaning.

"Can you repeat that again please?" I asked the female on the other side of the line.

"Mr. Luqman and a child met a car accident. I'm sorry Ma'am, but they did not make it. They have been sent in an ambulance, on the way to Gifted Hospital," Mrs. Alcala said.

"No, no, no. There has been a mistake. It cannot be. You must be mistaken," I uttered.

This is not happening. How can this happen?

"I'm sorry Ma'am. My condolences. I am sorry for your loss," she said.

The phone fell and I found myself stumbling on the floor. Cherry ran towards me and I could hear nothing but the fast beating of my heart. This must be a nightmare. I need to wake up. Can somebody please wake me up? I sobbed, I cried, I screamed, I held my mouth and cried. My husband, my dear dear Amir is gone? He left me? An accident? But why? He is such a careful driver. And who is the child? Could it be our Zameera? Suddenly flashback of this morning incident came back to me.


"Will Daddy be fetching me later Mommy?" Zameera asked me.

We were both setting the table as Amir was still dressing up.

"I don't know baby. Daddy has a meeting later at 10am too. He's quite busy today," I told her while preparing her milk. Zameera is four years old now. So we made her attend a Day Care center for her to be advanced in her lessons when she starts going to Kindergarten next year.

"Who said I am busy?" Amir said appearing from the entrance.

"Yey, Daddy's going to fetch me," Zameera sing – song.

I looked at Amir who only smiled widely at me. He approached me and caressed my cheek.

"You have to be there at the meeting," I reminded him.

It was a City Event meeting for the City Foundation Celebration, a grand event where the best establishments in the city were invited to play a part for the success of the grandest event in the city. The City Governor was even presiding the meeting.

"Aaron will be there and my Vice President Raqeem shall be there. They will keep me posted. Besides, family first," he winked.

"Mommy, Daddy, sit down now," Zameera instructed us.

"Okay Princess," Amir answered.

We both sat down and it was again a happy meal for the three of us. As I watched father and child teasing each other, I internally thanked and praised Allah for giving me such blessings. I really could not ask for anything more.

"I'm done," Zameera announced, feeling so triumphant for finishing her cereal.

"And what do we say after we're done eating?" I asked her.

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