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35. Dinner Plans

Amir's POV

Promises, we make them at time when we are most certain of our future. I made mine when I was certainly sure that Zai would make me the happiest man, and that I too could maker her the happiest woman.

"Sir, how about the backdraft of the stage, what design would you want?" Chandler, a professional interior designer asked me.

I stared around at the almost – furnished Poetry Lounge. Everything is almost imagined how I thought it would be. Round tables surrounded the stage. They were designed with starry night paintings. A counter area was at the side for food and drinks service. A special request and volunteer area booth is across it. I wanted the Poetry Lounge to be organized. Just as how Zai had explained to me. She wanted an assigned personnel in the booth to check out the poems and poets before letting them on stage. Of course that assigned personnel is none other than her. I found myself smiling as I remembered her sweet smile when she specifically ordered it from me.

"Sir, we're waiting?" Chandler again spoke.

"I'm sorry. Uhm the backdraft, I think a canvass of clouds will do. White clouds and blue skies. She'd love that," I answered.

"Okay, I'll just tell Tony to buy several curtains, in case Ms. Zai wants to change the mood or the design for the night."

"Okay. Good."

"How about the sofa? How many are we placing in the place?"

"One on each side. So three."

"The VIP Rooms above, would you want to take a look at them first?"

"Okay sure."

Chandler and his two assistants led me upstairs. This was another surprise feature of the lounge. Zai still don't know about it. This was something I was proud of. Although most of the structuring were Aaron's idea. The private rooms were mine.

Upon reaching the end of the spiral stairs, we first entered the room to the right. Chandler pointed the flat screen tv.

"The guests can view the stage with this tv. And it has also built in music," he said.

"Remove the music. Install verses of the Qur'an, Islamic videos and lectures," I corrected him.

"Okay, write that down Tony," Chandler instructed.

I sat at the sofa and found it comfy. I even lied down. I wanted it to be perfect. Because this was, this might be the last gift I could ever have the right to give to her.

After an hour, I was already satisfied. I left the lounge and headed for the car when Aaron's motorcycle parked beside it. He removed his helmet and we just exchanged looks. It's been three weeks since we last have seen each other. Chandler was the only one communicating for both of us. As I neared my car, he stood and walked towards me.

"There's a drag race this evening. Want to come?" he asked.

"No. Assalamu alaykum," I answered.

The truth is seeing Aaron still sends daggers inside my heart.

"Okay Bro. Wa alaykumusalam," he answered.

I was about to climb into my car when his hand grabbed my arm.

"Can't we talk like old friends?"

Anger boiled up inside me. He kissed my wife, ruined our marriage and he still wants me to talked to him like we're the best buddies. I smirked before answering.

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