3] get inside, Alicia

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A/N: thanks if you're reading this fic, leave a comment and a vote if you like it. Enjoy <3

Elyza walks behind Alicia into the small house.
She wonders if she is actually going to tell the brunette her story.
She feels a certain pull towards the fierce younger girl.
She is definitely attracted to Alicia.
She has eyes that burn like cigarettes. Elyza Lex's very weakness is eyes like those who happen to be staring at her right this second. Alicia holds out a can of food with a soft smile.
And now she has a brand new fucking weakness.
Those green eyes paired with that smile.

"Thanks Babe." She gives Alicia a smile of her own. They walk to the living room and sit on the couch to eat. The whole group is in the living room besides Strand, who must still be on watch.

"So Elyza, were did you learn to throw knives? That was by far the coolest thing I have ever seen!" Chris asks her excitedly.

Alicia stops eating and stares at her wanting to know the answer to the question. Actually the entire room is staring and waiting. Well here goes nothing, she thinks. She'll give up the bare minimum.

"Well kid, I was raised a Carni. Grew up throwing knives, swallowing swords, the whole nine yards." Alicia busts out laughing but everyone else remains quiet. Elyza looks over to Alicia with a smile before turning to Chris. "No, I'm just pulling your leg kid. Actually I was trained in all fighting styles from a very young age." She hopes that will be enough of an answer for now. It seems to satisfy everyone but Alicia as she is staring at Elyza begging for more information. In that moment she knows its only a matter of time before she spills all her secrets to the younger girl.

They finish their meal and everyone hangs out in the living room talking. Strand comes in the house and Travis gets up to take his shift. Elyza offers to take his place. Says she is used to moving around constantly and doesn't really know how to keep still. He reluctantly agrees. She gets up off the couch and grabs her rifle than heads out the front door.

"Alicia." I tear my eyes away from the retreating figure of the blonde and look at my mom. "Hmmm?"I reply looking back to the now closed door.

"Are you ok honey? You had quite the eventful day." She comes and takes Elyza's now empty seat. She puts her arm around me and kisses my head. I haven't thoroughly processed everything thats happened, or could have potentially happened had Elyza not swooped in to save the day. I just can't seem to be able to focus or think about anything else besides Elyza fucking Lex.

"I'm ok mom, really." I try to reassure her with a smile. She pats my leg and nods. She tells me to get some rest and heads upstairs with Travis to do the same. I try to lay on the couch but that lasts for approximately 2.7 seconds before I'm sitting up again. I look at the front door and bite my lip. Maybe Elyza would like some company. I get up and head outside.

I walk out on the porch and look for Elyza. I can't find her anywhere. Before I can panic too much I hear a voice call out above me. "Took you long enough" I look up on the porch roof to see Elyza grinning that gorgeous cocky smile at me. I fucking love that smile. I roll my eyes at her and she laughs.

"What are you doing up there?" I ask her as I walk around the porch looking for a way up. Finding none I huff in frustration. I turn around and am face to face with Elyza. I let out a small muffled shriek and step back. Elyza smiles at me and I push her shoulder. "Asshole! You scared me. How the fuck did you get down so quietly?" I look up at the roof. Its at least a ten to fifteen foot drop. She just shrugs her shoulders. I roll my eyes at her again. Of course. I know there is more to the story.

"Who are you?" I ask. She replies and I know what shes going to say so I say it with her, "Elyza Lex."

She laughs. "Smart, beautiful, and funny. You really are something, Babe." She reaches out and tucks some fallen hair back behind my ear. I swallow and whisper again. "Who are you?"

"To some I am a friend." She moves behind me to check out a noise in the disrance. "A protector to others." She pulls a silencer out of her pocket and screws it to the end of her rifle. My heart is beating so fast and loud at the moment I hope I can hear the rest of her response. She looks down the sights of the gun. "But to most people these days, Im their worst fucking nightmare." Once the words are out of her mouth she fires.

I can hear whoever was out there howl in pain. That cant be right. Zombies don't cry out, and they definitely don't feel pain. She lowers the gun and looks at me.

"Get inside, Alicia." I shake my head no. She steps closer and I instinctively take a step back. She notices and her brows furrow for a second. She composes herself quickly and tries again. "I said, get inside Alicia. Now." The last word comes out as more of a growl so I obey. I watch her shoulder her rifle, hop the railing on the porch and run off into the darkness towards who ever was out there.

A/N: don't forget to vote and leave a comment if you like the story <3

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