16] goufa

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I'm on auto pilot by the time I lose sight of Elyza. Travis is still dragging me as we head to safety. I can't believe this is happening, we were so close. My family was supposed to be safe. I was going to try and really charm Elyza one last time, into staying around for awhile..or forever. I was going to let her choose which. I was going to be really charming. And naked.

I hear my name being called but I can't pay attention to whoever is saying it. I just keep picturing Elyza, turning that corner to face her demons, alone. And not just the Red Weather demons. Actual demons.  Mindless demons are literally crawling around the entire city. What if a horde comes after her? What if she gets trapped? What if she gets overrun and bit? Shit! I'm so fucking nervous!

I hear my name again, and then an explosion behind us where we left Elyza. I pull away from Travis and take off running in the direction before anyone can stop me. They had their hands full with a small group of nearby infected, that I didn't even see.

I get about a half block down before three white vans come screeching to a halt in front of me. Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me!

The doors open and at least 10 guys step out in front of me, followed by a beautiful woman in her mid twenties. She was dressed in the same gear as the men but wasn't wearing a bandana. She had dark raven hair with such dark brown eyes, they could possibly be black.

Her eyes, which, I'll admit kind of freak me the fuck out, were looking me up and down like I was a joke she didn't understand.  I didn't realize I subconsciously raised my gun until I hear her speak for the first time.

"What do you plan on doing with that, Goufa?" She asks me.

I cringe. "Well, this is awkward and embarrassing. I thought my intentions to kill you with it, were pretty clear. What did you think I was going to do with it?"

I think I have been around Elyza too much. No, there isn't such a thing. But I wish she was around right now, before my courage runs out.

Her smile at my comment causes goosebumps to flood my skin. Oh shit.

Ok Elyza, I never got to ask you for sure, but if you can read minds can you come  like right now!

"Elyza never stood a fucking chance against you, what with those eyes and that mouth." She laughs. "Lucky for us I suppose."

At the mention of Elyza's name out loud, my stomach drops. This must be Skai, and she's probably come to take me away. What else is fucking new? Is this like an every day kind of thing in the apocalypse? Because I'm kind of over it already.

I mentally go over how many bullets I have and if I would be able to take them all down, as it looks like the telepathic girlfriend is a no go. Figures.

"Don't even think about it, Goufa." She must have sensed my foolish desperation. She has a knife to my throat and is behind me with a speed I have only seen Elyza match. Fucking super speed bullshit.

"Take the boy too, he could come in handy, for the field test." She says.

I turn my head and see Chris. I hadn't even known Chris was with me. I was to focused on Skai. He screams for Elyza before being knocked out and thrown over a soldiers shoulder.

"Hey look. Just take me, please. I'll go without any trouble. I swear! Just leave him out of it, ok? Please." I beg Skai as we walk towards the van. She says nothing.

I can see my family in a stand off with a few of the Corp men. My mom and Travis yelling for Chris and I.

Skai stops me at the back hatch of the van and shoves me up against it patting me down. She takes all my weapons off me, including my dagger. Damnit. This bitch isn't stupid. Then shoves me in the back of the van, while they throw Chris into a different one.

Elyza comes out from behind the dumpster, weapon at the ready, in case some of the soldiers survived the blast.

Most seem to have been taken down, but she can hear a few groans of pain coming from the world's worst dog pile. She walks up to the mangled mess of torsos and limbs to see who is still alive.

She looks down at Dennis and can see half his face missing. One of the guys next to him groans and tries to lift his bloodied head. "I'd say that's quite an improvement for Frank, wouldn't you?" She asks him.

"Fuuuck yo.." He starts before she slams her knife into his skull.

"Fuuuck me." She says imitating his voice. "I know. You guy's really need to work on your comebacks."

She stabs the remaining living Corp soldier before she hears her name being screamed by Chris.

Elyza takes off towards the sound without a seconds hesitation. She dodges ghouls in every direction trying not to be slowed down in the process. If she's too slow multiple ghouls could grab her, and that is when it's dangerous.

As she rounds the next corner, she catches sight of three Weather Corp vans speeding in the direction Elyza and the group entered the city.

She wonders how they cleared a path into the city, as there were way to many abandoned cars and way to much debris to pass through.

Elyza realizes she has two choices. Follow the vans and hope the ghouls slow them down for her to catch up, or head straight for the edge of the city through the giant herd she created with the gas station explosion.

Elyza can recover from a few bites, yea. She's pretty sure her vital organs, arms, legs, or face wouldn't grow back, if she couldn't move fast enough through the sea of ghouls and they all start biting.

It's too much of a risk, she really, really likes her face where it's at. Alicia hasn't even gotten a chance to sit on it yet.

So she does the smart thing and follows the small motor brigade which are traveling parallel to her left, through the streets.

She see the vans start to brake and pushes herself harder up a few more blocks. If she can get ahead of them she can cut left and meet them head on.

When she turns, she sees what slowed them down. A huge herd of infected are gathered down the street the van was traveling. She's going to have to try and sprint through them to the other side. She has no choice. They have Chris, and probably Alicia. She has to.

She unzips her jacket, throws it to the side, so she can maneuver better, takes a huge breath and takes off.

She makes it half way through the herd before she feels hers first bite. One of the fuckers got her on her right shoulder. She swings her left fist over into its skull killing it, so it would let go before too much damage could occur.

She steals a quick glance where the vans should have been, before crossing into the alley, and can only see one. It's surrounded by infected trying to get to the person on top. It's Chris. Alicia and the other vans are no where in sight.

She thinks maybe they only took him, but knows better. They are using Chris to slow her down, so they have a chance to make it back to the Red Weather Corp compound with Alicia, knowing Elyza will willingly deliver herself for the girl.

"Fuck!" Elyza screams and punches the brick wall, causing it to crumble where she hit it.

She has to create a diversion that will draw the majority of the infected away, so she can get Chris down safely, and back to the group. Then she can go after Alicia. It's a two day ride straight to the compound. She knows the roads the Corp would take and can get ahead of them, get her Hodnes, and kill the rest.

Elyza runs up a few more blocks. She sees a dumpster filled with garbage. She opens the top of it. She starts pushing it closer to the herd. Once she is a good 20 feet away she pulls the pin on her last grenade,  pushes the dumpster hard towards the ghouls and throws it into the bin.

She starts running back to where Chris is at as the body parts and burning garbage start to faIl.

A/N: Goufa means child

the living are hungry hodnes [ lexark ]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora