{PART 2} | 1] we are what we are hodnes

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"Elyza." I call out, when I wake. I place my hand over my heart, where there is pain. It takes me a minute to wrap my head around what is going on. I'm in one of the Corp vans, Chris is asleep next to me in the third row seat. Travis is driving and my mom is in the passenger seat. Maree has Lyndsey asleep in her arms, and she looks at me when I call out.

"Travis, stop the van. We need to get out." Maree says, hastily.

Stop the van. 'Wait! Let me out'. That's what I said last. It's all coming back to me. Elyza staying at the complex, she was supposed to meet us once we were far enough away not to be effected by the blast. I look out the window, and it is nighttime now. When we left, it was just starting to be morning. I look to Maree, my eyes wide in fear.

"Travis, stop the van, now!" Maree says, not looking away from me. Everyone in the van wakes up and looks at me.

I know what she's going to tell me, and my whole body starts to shake with small tremors. No. No, this isn't happening. I start shaking my head back and forth, because it's not true. Maree has the door open, before Travis has the van to a complete stop. Once it does, Maree gets out, followed by Lyndsey.

"Hey, let's talk out here, sweetheart." Lyndsey says, in a soft voice one would use while trying not to provoke a dangerous animal.

I can't speak to reply, as I can barely even think. Maree reaches in the van and scoops me into her arms. The other van pulls up to a stop behind us. She walks me away from everyone, and down a little ways. She puts me down in the middle of the empty road. She sits next to me on my right, while Lyndsey takes the left side. The three of us sit there in silence. For how long, I don't even know. They could have actually been talking, and I just couldn't hear their words.

I was hearing another's voice. I hear the irresistible sound, of my name. My name that belongs only to her. 'Hodnes' It comes out in a whisper. I close my eyes. Her voice was no less sad, than it was sweet.

I put my hands over my ears, and put my head on my knees, which are pulled to my chest. This isn't happening. She promised me she would be ok. She promised. I shake my head back and forth. She's not gone. She can't be.

I start thinking about everything that has happened between us. I think about the first time that I saw her. Looking dangerous and beautiful, in her aviators and leather jacket. That first trademark smile she gave me. I think about how she has been protecting me from the exact moment we met. I remember the feeling of her protective arms, so strong and safe. Every minute I spent with her comes rushing through my mind, up until the last time I saw her.

She's not gone. It's not possible.

"Alicia.." Lyndsey says, when I finally pull my hands away from my ears.

"Don't." I tell her, and I stand up. "We have to go back. She has to be in some sort of trouble, and we have to help her. She needs us and you guys just left without her!"

"Alicia, she.." Lyndsey says but I walk away from her. I'm not listening to her nonsense.

"No!" I yell at her. "We need to go back! If she didn't make it to us on time.. something happened, but she's not.. She's not." I can't bring myself to say or think the word.

I walk back to the vans and stop when I see Jessika, standing at the far end. All of a sudden it feels like static engulfs my entire body. This fucking Bitch over here, with her I LOVE ELYZA food bars, and her secret stash of drugs, to knock a Hodnes out.

I start walking towards her, anger taking over, and Maree jumps in front of me. She has her hands out, but doesn't touch me.

"Elyza made her do it, Alicia. It was not her idea, and she was just following Elyza's orders." She says.

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