17] bite

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I guess Skai got pretty tired of my mouth about two minutes into our trip. She bound my hands and gagged my mouth with an annoyed sigh.

We were flying through the city, and all I could think about was Chris and how I didn't want him to be dragged into this. I really hope Elyza can find a way to save us both, but more importantly Chris. He doesn't have anything to do with this.

I guess neither do I, but there are some occupational hazards that come along with being Elyza Lex's Hodnes, that I'm slowly coming to terms with.

I can see a huge gathering of infected in front of us when the vehicles slam on their brakes. Chris is in the front van which stops completely. I can see the men throwing him on the roof of the van and move to get into the one behind us, leaving him alone. Still passed out. We're making a left turn as I watch the herd closes in on Chris.

I growl into my gag, and start thrashing, and throwing myself into Skai. She gives a small laugh and grabs me by my hair, hard. I don't care, I try and hit her with my bound arms, kick her, anything!

She pulls my head back so I'm looking at her. "Stop." She growls. "Your niron.." She starts then translates for me. "Your lover, will save him. We're counting on it for the field experiment."

What the fuck is she talking about? What the old, do zombies like boy or girl flesh better experiment? Because I'm pretty sure it's been determined that they don't fucking care!

We travel another few blocks then stop. Skai opens the back door and drags me out of the van. She passes me to probably the biggest mother fucker I have ever seen in my life, and he throws me over his shoulder. I thrash my arms and legs, screaming into my gag to no avail. He walks over to a fire escape that has been pulled down and starts climbing with me still over his shoulder. If I wasn't so fucking scared and pissed, I would be pretty impressed. But I am so fucking scared and so fucking pissed, so fuck this monster of a man and his stupid muscles!

We get to the top of the roof, and he throws me down on my back. I hit my head pretty hard and think I would hate to be this guy when Elyza finds out.

Skai grips me by my shirt and pulls me to my feet. She turns me around and I get a good look of the city below. I can see Chris, now conscious, on top of the van. He is staying just out of reach, from all the decomposing hands, desperately trying to grab him.

Please hold on Chris. Please, I'm so sorry.

Before I can apologize mentally again, I catch a glimpse of golden hair, a few blocks down, across from the herd. I try and scream to get her attention, but monster man grabs his hand and puts it over my gagged mouth, preventing even the smallest of sounds from escaping.

I can't take my eyes off her. I'm willing her with everything in me just to look up and see me. Please! Just look up! I just want to see her eyes. I want her to wink at me, while giving me the beautiful Elyza fucking Lex grin.

Then I realize what she's doing as she throws her jacket to the side. My eyes go wide as I see her dart through the middle of the horde. A blood chilling scream erupts from within, that I'm pretty sure the force rips little cuts into my throat. It can't be heard through monster mans grip.

My knees give out when I see her punch one of the infected away showing a clean, bloody bite out of her shoulder. I watch in horror, unable to look away before I lose sight of her when she passes into the alley. I let another feral, pained scream out and the monster holding me squeezes his giant hand around my throat to make me stop.

I go numb and limp, falling to the ground when the soldier releases me. Tears are streaming out of my closed eyes, at an unbelievably rapid rate.

I lost her. She's gone. My crazy, badass, funny, and beautiful Elyza is dead. She will be an infected within hours. And it's all because of the fucking psychopath Jayson! My numbness is starting to fade and is being replaced by seething anger the more I think about it. And him. And Skai. Every single fucking Corp fucker in existence!

the living are hungry hodnes [ lexark ]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora