22] Lyndsey & Maree

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Elyza stops us from walking after a few minutes. I look around us to see what's going on, making sure we aren't about to be ambushed. This makes her smile. She reaches for one of the knives she had strapped to me. She take it out, puts it in her boot, and straps our dagger to me in its place. I smile back and go in for a quick kiss. Before our lips can connect, we hear rustling above us in the trees.

"Awwwww." Maree swoons. "How fucking cute is that." She drops down from the trees and lands next to Elyza. She turns to look at me. "You must be pretty special, she doesn't let anyone touch that dagger, let alone wear it."

This shocks me, since she gave it to me without a second thought, originally. I look over to Elyza who is glaring at Maree. Maree just shrugs her shoulders, and gives her a what? look, not intimidated in the least by Elyza's glare.

"Keep walking." Elyza says, giving Maree a hard shove. "Weren't you supposed to be grabbing sticks." She picks up a pretty thick branch, and whacks Maree in the back with it.

Maree stops walking once she's hit. She slowly turns around, giving Elyza a death stare. Then she strikes out and attacks Elyza. Elyza moves too fast for her and grabs her up in a head lock. Maree tries to flip Elyza over her back, but can't gain the momentum needed to match Elyza's enhanced strength. I'm getting a little nervous, until I hear a booming laughter come from Elyza. I take a closer look at her face, she looks like she is actually having fun.

Maree is trying to wiggle her way out of the hold and looks to me. "Help me! I'm cuter!"

"Hodnes." Elyza warns. Like she even needed to warn me. I'm not getting anywhere near that wrestling match.

Maree stops struggling when she hears Elyza speak. "Hodnes? Oh man, this is seri.." Elyza starts squeezing harder blocking the rest of Maree's words from escaping. She starts turning purple.

"Elyza, you're going to kill her!" I say worried.

"Have you had enough, you little shit." Elyza says. She looks down at Maree, who still hasn't passed out and gives a thumbs up. "When I let you go Maree, I want you to tell the truth to ai Hodnes over there. I am the much cuter one. Not you." She winks at me, before letting go.

Maree falls to the ground sucking in a huge breath of air before coughing, and her face starts turning her normal shade. Elyza stands over her with hands on her hips, waiting for Maree to catch her breath.

"O..K.." She says in between breaths. She looks over at me. "Elyza's Hodnes, I just wanted to let you know Elyza is..." She looks back at Elyza, before looking back to me. "So ugly she makes onions cry!" She yells insanely fast before covering her face waiting for an attack. "Don't hurt my beautiful face! It's so much more prettier than yours!"

Elyza laughs, but doesn't attack. She pulls Maree to her feet and traps her in a hug. "I've missed you strik sis." She tells her. Maree lets her hug her for a minute before pulling away.

"You're embarrassing me in front of hot stuff over there." She points at me. Elyza glares at her.

I blush and put some fallen hair behind my ear. Elyza notices and quickly changes the subject.

"Alright, enough horsing around. Let's get that wood, then I want you to take me to Lyndsey. I have a farm cleared out a little ways out. Alicia's family are on their way there. I want to meet up with them and get to the farm before nightfall." She looks at me and motions for me to follow her as she heads deeper into the woods.

We each collect all the wood we can carry. Elyza and Maree carrying much more than I can. Oh well, I'm not fucking Mr Incredible.

We make it through a clearing of trees and I can see Skai's body. She is laying on a platform of sticks and branches. I look to the girl standing in front of her. She turns to face us after we walk through. I swear, where in the fuck did they get all these super fucking beautiful orphans. Was it a prerequisite?

the living are hungry hodnes [ lexark ]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora