24] how many did you get? 12

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A/N: if you don't want to read smut skip the ***

"Did you enjoy yourself, Hodnes?" Elyza says while standing over me. I'm still lying on the ground. I haven't been able to sit or stand up yet. I swear it's like I have sex legs.

She lights a cigarette, and crouches down on her heels next to me. Arrogant smile plastered to her face. I can't help but smile back, and grab her by her shirt for a kiss, as my answer.

"Oh my god. Get a room." Maree states sarcastically.

"Or a van!" I hear Ofelia yell out.

Maree looks at the owner of the new voice and smiles. "Why, hello." She states, leaning up against her bike. Although the weight she put behind the lean causes herself and the bike to tumble over.

Everyone starts laughing at her while she hurries to try and get herself and the bike upright. Everyone besides Lyndsey. She is staring Ofelia down. Is that jealousy?!

I will definitely have to ask her about that later, because here comes my mother stomping and pushing her way towards us.

I reach out for Elyza to help me up just in time for my mom to stop in front of us.

"What were you thinking?" She yells. I go to respond, when I notice that she isn't even yelling at me. She is yelling at Elyza, who is standing there with a deer in headlights look on her face. I then realize, as an orphan, she probably never had to deal with a crazy concerned mother before. So, I decide to help my lover out. This one time.

I lean over and whisper into Elyza's ear.

"I wasn't thinking, Madison. And that would appear to be the issue." Elyza repeats.

"No you weren't Elyza. You could have gotten my daughter and yourself killed. How fast were you even going?"

Elyza goes to tell her the speed, not knowing that would just make this waaaay worse. So I quickly step in.

"Say I'm sorry, now." I whisper to her.

"Alicia is sorry." She says and I elbow her in the ribs. Asshole!

"I'm sorry?" She corrects herself, looking at me, mischief playing at the corner of her eyes. Oh yea this is the last time I help her. Next time I'll let my mom chew her up and spit her out.

My mom gives her an evil stare, before looking over to me. Ut oh. I guess I should have seen this coming.

"Come with me Alicia. Now." She says before walking to the back of the truck. I groan and follow, but not before I hear Maree.

"Dude." She says to Elyza. "Does your Hodnes know her mom has the hots for you?"

Fucking Lost boys, I swear to god.

After I get my ass handed to me by my mom, we head back over to the group. Elyza is introducing everyone to the new additions. Chris is eyeing Maree down, and she gives him a look saying 'no fucking way.'

There is a pretty big horde of infected coming, probably following the loud motorcycle race. I walk up to Elyza and she wraps her arms around me.

"We have to start heading out, Hodnes. There is only an hour or two left of light. It shouldn't take more than a half hour to get to the farm, but I want to give us enough time, just in case." I nod.

"My mom wants me to ride in the truck with her. I figure I have put her through enough lately, so I'm going to." She nods, then kisses me as we part.

the living are hungry hodnes [ lexark ]Where stories live. Discover now