14] be quiet

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You could say things got a little heated once everything was said and I could just enjoy just being alone with Elyza. She had me backed up against the sales counter, her hands gripping my hips, and mine were glazing slowly over her deliciously hard abs. Elyza gave a small laugh into my mouth.

I pull back and look at her before taking my lips to her neck. "Don't tell me the great almighty Elyza Lex is ticklish." I say in between sweet kisses and soft grazes of teeth.

She moans softly and I smile against her neck. Oh yea. This is how I wanted to spend the rest of our time together.

Fuck asshole! Don't think about that right now. Don't ruin the mood.

But I didn't need to ruin the mood. Elyza had that covered.

"No not ticklish." She moans again. "But I do want to tell you I love your brother."

She says this while I'm mid bite. Hearing her asinine confession, I might have bitten down a little to hard to pass as pleasurable for most people. Elyza isn't most people though, and it makes her moan louder and grip my hips harder.

"I'm sorry, what?" I say and push her back.

She smiles, and goes in for another kiss. I pull my face out of her reach.

She sighs. "I can hear Nick, he is outside right now, doing an amazing job at keeping your mother from coming in here." She pauses faking concern before saying "Do you think she's jealous?"

I let my head fall to her shoulder defeated. Just wait for it. Let her get it out of her system.

"Do you think I should talk to her? Let her know I'm a one woman kind of woman now? Oh man. This could get awkward."

She's not done. She's got one more in there somewhere.

"Unless.." she draws out the word. "you wanna rethink my fantasy?"

I punch her in the arm, hard. Then I walk away towards the door, trying not to let her see my attempt at shaking away the pain in my hand.

I walk out the door and my brother physically relaxes. He's such a good brother. I give him a big smile, in thanks, but he sees me also shaking out my hand. His eyes go wide as he looks to the door. Haha. Good. Let him think I took on Elyza.

Elyza walks out a little after me. She's got cartons of cigarettes under one arm, her new aviators on, and a fucking sucker in her mouth. Looking and walking like every inch the fucking badass beauty she is. Ugh. Kill me.

She walks by with a wink, heading over to the cars. Before I know what I'm thinking, I'm silently thanking whoever is responsible for the end of the world.

The end of the world brought me Elyza Lex.

The car ride is a little bit different then before. Chris started up again on the grenades. It only took Elyza one threat of holding him out the window by his shoe laces and the click of her seatbelt coming off, to shut him up.

I wasn't the only one stealing glances this time though, so that was nice. I would catch Elyza looking at me, our fingers were tangled together on her lap. I could tell she was nervous by the way her throat would bob up and down after squeezing my hand. Or maybe it's just me.

We pull up to the city a little while later. We are unpacking all our gear where we are leaving the cars. Everyone has a rifle, a hand gun, and at least two knifes. Except Elyza. I never know how many knives she has hidden, but I know this time it's a lot more. She is wearing a vest loaded with at least three grenades, the rest she holds in a back pack. She let me keep her leather jacket, but of course had another one stashed away.

She tells us to wait just outside the city limits that she will be right back. We have to kill a few infected while we wait, but from where I can see, it doesn't look to overrun.

About ten minutes later there is a huge explosion on the other side of the city. Now, I know I'm not a weapons and explosive expert, but I'm pretty sure a bag of grenades couldn't do that. I watch as a gas pump falls to the ground, from the sky. Oh. Makes sense.

We watch as infected all start heading towards the explosion, attracted to the sight and sound. They come shuffling along from the side we are on, towards the explosion. Leaving us an almost clear path. They look like a sea of ants crawling over and into each other. There were a lot more than I thought, that I couldn't see hidden throughout the streets.

We hide the best we can against a wall and some cars, waiting on Elyza to get back. I'm really trying not to worry. I look towards the direction she went in..again hoping to see her. It was only a couple times. A couple dozen times.

This time when I look, I see beautiful golden hair coming towards us. She runs up, not even out of breath. I pull her by her shirt into a desperate kiss. Nick clears his throat, so we break away. I know we have to focus, I just couldn't help it.

"Ready to rage?" She asks us, then walks up so shes in the front of the group. "Stay close together. I'm taking point, but watch each other's backs. Use your silent weapons unless there is absolutely no other way around it."

She looks each one of us in the eye. "Remember to stay calm. Stay low, and move quickly. But above all else, be quiet." She looks to me and motions for me to come over to her. "You are with me. You don't leave my side unless I tell you."

I want to make a joke, but her eyes are way too intense. I nod instead. Probably my best choice.

"We are going to try and make it straight through. If we need to use the safe houses we will, but let's try to move out before dark. I'd rather not spend the night here. I don't have enough fire power for another diversion. Now let's go." She grabs my hand and we're off.

Now I've been through a lot since the apocalypse started. I was just fucking kidnapped by a psychopath for fucks sake! But this shit we're doing right now, takes the fucking cake.

We run into a couple stragglers and take them down easy enough. It seems with each block we cross Elyza kills an infected the second her feet cross the line into the open street. She's quick, lethal and silent with each kill. I have to force myself not to let my guard down 100 percent each time and just watch her. Part in awe and part in worry.

When we finally make it to the halfway point we're all exhausted. Except Elyza of course, and she took out probably double the amount of infected that we did..combined.

But we keep going. It's almost dark now, we need to hurry if we're going to make it.

Elyza has us all stop and tells us to get down. She hears something around the corner. I see her tense up and know it's not good. She looks at me and I see fear in her eyes. Not for herself, but for me. It's the Corp.

"Travis!" She says barely above a whisper. "There is a garage a few blocks down at 5th and West."

No no no. I don't like this. Please no.

"Take the group there and wait for me. If I'm not back by morning keep going."

No. I'm not leaving. This is not happening. I grab onto her arm like a vice while Travis does the same to mine.

"No!" I say louder than I probably should have. Possibly giving away our position. I don't care at that moment. I just don't want this to happen. She can't fight alone here in a city that is crawling with the dead.

She removes my hand, kisses it, then me and tells Travis to go. He has to start pushing me from the front because my eyes wont leave Elyza's, or hers mine. I see her ready her weapons, take a breath and then break our tethered stare as she rounds the corner to face the Corp.

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