33] Mikey

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We are sitting outside getting ready to clear the building. Elyza is helping me strap on some extra knives and guns.

"Remember to listen to everything around you, Hodnes. That's the most important thing. It's going to be dark, and we only have flashlights, so keep your ears open." She's talking to me, but says it loud enough for Travis and Nick.

"I know." I'm a little nervous, but training with Elyza has put a lot more confidence in me.

She hands each of us a silencer for our primary gun. She wants us to try and use our silent weapons, and only use the firearms if absolutely necessary. Even with the silencers a shot will be really loud and can attract all the infected to us.

We decide to clear the garage out first since Elyza can hear inside, beyond the pounding of the door from the already known infected. She says there shouldn't be more than 5. She pulls down on the padlock of the main overhead door breaking it. Mmm so strong.. Ok seriously? Fucking focus Alicia!

She slides the door up, killing both of the ghouls standing behind it, with a knife to either side of their temples. She pulls the knives out at the same time, and backs up to let the bodies fall.

We get a look into the garage. The way back is still dark and we cant see much, but the front is illuminated by the moon light. There are two box vans on one side, and a mini fleet of forklifts on the other.

I move up to Elyza's side, while Travis and Nick get behind us. We all click on our flashlights and point them towards the back, and around the vehicles.

"Alright, it looks like the others must be trapped behind something. Why is that Hodnes?"

I roll my eyes at her easy question. She doesn't take that as my answer, and continues to stare at me.

"Because they would have been waiting with these two, attracted to the sound they were making."

"Good. Nick and Travis." They look at her. "Take the front of the garage. Keep your lights up, and check around every corner before continuing. Hodnes, with me." We take off towards the back of the garage.

We walk quietly side by side, weapons at the ready. Both listening to hear what we can. I see her hand twitch, and I start to try and see if I can hear what it is that caught her attention.

I stop when I hear a small tapping sound to my left. I lift my flashlight in the direction of the sound. I can see a small dark hallway leading to a possible bathroom or closet door on the right. There are some shelves placed haphazardly in front of the door, like a barricade.

"Do we leave it?" I ask her.

"We could. We should check the door first to make sure it cant be pushed open. But the safest thing would be to dispose of it."

I nod. I guess I would feel really bad if after we left, someone tried to get in there and was bit not knowing.

We walk down the hallway, and before I know it Elyza has me on the ground in front of the door. Her body is thrown over mine, as a shot gun round blasts through the door from the inside.

She growls as another shot is taken, then jumps up as she hears the person trying to reload. She grabs my jacket and slides me so I'm up against the brick wall and out of the way of the shots. Then she uses her shoulder and breaks through the hole ridden wooden door.

I can hear a small struggle then another shot from the shot gun. I hear the clank of someone hitting the ceramic sink and peak inside.

Elyza has the shot gun away from the man in the bathroom. She looks like she was peppered by the buck shot and is bleeding from a few different spots on her face. She has her foot on the mans throat and he is trying to get it off her.

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