Chapter 1: Panora

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6 years ago: The bane pack

Panora clenched her fist tightly around the steering wheel of her car as she passed the ranks of the tall, shading forest trees that stood on both sides of the road. The road itself split the forest in half and ended at the gates of the pack mansions. There were three of them to be more precise, standing tall in the stark middle of pack lands. Panora always remarked on their style sarcastically, how fitting for them to look like southern plantation mansions. Whenever she saw them, they stood proudly in a row, their white paint shining brightly in the dark forest surroundings.

From where she drove, only the dark green tiles of the roof could be seen. High, strong white walls hid the establishments, decorated with two snarling wolves paused in a pouncing motion carved from the stone of the wall. The proud emblem of the Bane pack. Only an intricately designed double iron gate allowed entry into the otherwise solid establishment.

Panora reached the gates and, as usual, the dirty blond warrior wolf named Delton stood guarding the gates with an older wolf known as Blake.

Pan stopped her car and rolled her window down as Delton came to it, his face held the smirking look it always did when he saw her.

"Well, well," he said, looking her once over and leaning through the open car window, arms folded. The sheen of sweat on his face and greasy hair gave Panora the impression that he never bathed.

"Little human girl is here," he smiled mockingly.

Panora turned her head and regarded him silently. Her eyes bore into his, staring at him so intently that his only choice was to stare back. Uncomfortable silence settled. The longer the emerald green orbs probed his face, the more agitated Delton became. His ears began to redden and his body began to sweat. Not once did Pan avert her penetrative gaze. He felt her look into his soul, her eyes laughing and jeering at what they saw, telling him she knew all his secrets.

He began to doubt himself. She'll see it, she knows, he thought in alarm, his panic and fear showing clearly on his face.

But she couldn't know about that, he assured himself while searching his mind for ways she could have came up with that knowledge.

His tongue felt like a dry strip of sandpaper stuck to the roof of his mouth. He tried to swallow but the sides of his throat wouldn't obey him. The sweat on his face dribbled down as his heart beat radically in his chest. Suddenly, her pupils constricted into tiny points and Delton's left eye twitched under the strain as he desperately tried not to cower beneath her gaze. Panora looked on calmly, taking in every sign of Delton's distress with internal satisfaction.

Pan could see Delton crumbling. Shivering slightly, sweat matting his hair, Pan almost expected him to foam at the mouth at any minute. Sadly, that never came to pass because Blake came up to the car and hit the hood, causing the two to turn and acknowledge him.

"What is going on!" he shouted, looking at the two. "I've called you five times, what's the hold up, she has to get to the kitchens."

Delton stared at Blake blanky before realizing what had happened. His face reddened and he pulled away from the car.

"Keep your mouth shut, you freakin' weirdo," he spat at her before walking off.

Pan casually rolled up her window and drove off. She had not the slightest clue what the idiot had been talking about and neither did she care, but her lips tilted ever so slightly at the thought of how easily she was able to reduce him to nothing.

So weak, the filthy dog, she mused.

Many in the pack had called her a witch, but the truth was that she just inherited her late father's unnerving emerald eyes. They both had a tendency to observe people's mannerisms very carefully, which usually led to them feeling uncomfortable.

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