Chapter 9: Zachariah Grimwore and Pan

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Finally dealing with Adams had calmed Zachariah down. After dropping his pack off at their hotel he was back on the road. Now to talk to Dutton. He had to get this issue sorted out or he wouldn't get a night of sleep. In a week the council would gather and he would have to fly to Hawaii, which meant an extra month spent away from his pack.

He was soon brought out of his thoughts when the car stopped in the Bloodwood witch district. He suppressed his wolf controlling his aura making it almost none existence. The witches would not be enthusiastic about him being on their territory without permission, and confronting them would simply be a bother.

The cool breeze of the night met him as soon as he opened the door. Stepping out he buttoned up his blazer, strode up to the store and knocked.

"Come in my son," a raspy old voice called from inside.

Zachariah pushed open the door. The smell of sandalwood incense assaulted his senses. He looked around, the place had not changed much since he was a boy. The floors were still made of chestnut wood and the walls were painted the color of desert sand. The incense which Zachariah had smelled upon entry were lit and put in beautiful incense holders around the room, the smoke from them wafted around the room in wispy clouds giving it an eerie feeling.

At the end of the room sat Dutton, he was dressed in the same gray robes Zachariah had seen him in as a boy when his father had bought him to see the wolf doctor as a child. He remembered it as clear as day.

His father, a man of very few words and even fewer kind ones had taken him to get his wolf read when he was only twelve, fresh in his alpha shift. He had been scared but curious at the same time. When he brought him he had hidden behind his father, instead of pushing him forward like he always did when he saw fear in his son. His father had looked down at him his eyes the color of the blue sky with understanding and fatherly love. Putting a warm hand on his shoulder he told him in his gruff voice not to worry, he was afraid when his father brought him as well.

Dutton had looked at young Zachariah with his milky eyes and smiled, it was the smile of a man who knew the effect he had on others and wish to disperse his fears.

"Come my son," he had said to him reaching out his hand. Walking up slowly, Zachariah put his hand in Dutton's out stretched one and sat in front of him.

"Ah yes," his old voice sighed instantly. "You have a great destiny that awaits you my boy, a frightening one but a great one. You will lose many but you will gain so much more. The wolves will find themselves gathered once again against the forces that wish to see this world in ruins. You and another will fight to protect the homes of the wolves, our land, and our people. You will be strong my boy," he said a loving look passed over his face, "strong and brave. The blood of your ancestors floods your veins. You will be ruthless when necessary and kind when need but you will always be just. That much about your path is clear. You will face many hardships in your life boy, one cannot tell what they are or how they will affect you but you must remain strong and wise. Rise boy, your name is Zachariah, son of Julius, son Haden, sons of Malcomus Grimwore.

The name of your wolf and lifetime companion is Ezekiel the same name of the great wolf of Athens. It was said that he was a beast that roamed the dark of the forests Flinlam and the people there were afraid of it, but as invaders came onto the land the dark beast protected them, killing their enemies by the thousands. The beast was a ruthless force that took anyone who came in harm of the citizens of Athens. Although they feared the beast they also loved and respected him. It was through that respect that they gave him the name Ezekiel, the fearless beast of the dark. I can tell that that name is more than just a name sake I can feel his power even though he is just a pup. Yes you two will be very strong," he ended with a whisper and a nod of his head.

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