Chapter 7: Pan

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Pan leaned on the door of her office and kicked her heels off with a staggering sigh. Tonight had been long and hard yet she had managed to survive again. She and her staff had stayed up all night sweeping, polishing, and cleaning the restaurant in time for regular opening tomorrow. The shock of tonight's unwelcomed surprise had finally sunk in.

A mate, She seethed.

That was the last thing she needed now. And he happened to be a Grimwore Alpha, that was even worse. Anyone who had anything to do with the werewolves knew about the ruthless tenth pack. The Grim Pack was the tenth pack not because it was the weakest but because it simply was the last to join the council.

If she remembered enough of her werewolf studies class in her pack's old high school, they were a warrior clan of wolves that lived in the bitter plains of Siberia. Existing there for hundreds of years and ruling the terrain, the wolves were the strongest clan in Europe. She remembered Patrice her teacher, telling the story.

During the year 1874 Dereken, the brother of the Van Hurst coven leader the largest and most powerful vampire coven in the world was the leader coup to overthrow his brother. His aim was Destroy his brother and instate himself as king. With his new found power he would gain the loyalty of the other covens and take over the Pack lands rendering the wolves under their control. The submission of the werewolf spices was key to his plan. With it the the strength of the vampire spices wouldn't be rivaled by anyone.

Marcus his brother was cut from a different cloth, dubbed as the dark prince he was half demon and half vampire. Though ruthless and merciless he was in no way mad as his brother.order over chaos was always his choice and he believed in the superiority of the vampire race and their place in the shadows. The werewolves were of no consequence to him. As long as he kept a tight lid on the chaos that would ensue if the vampires were let run wild he was content. Needless to say his Dereken was unsuccessful, Marcus ripped his heart out with his own hands.

However it was not before Dereken had let some of that chaos out. Promising some of the vampires from every coven a world in which they will not have to hide in the shadows, a world where blood would run from the rivers and they could satiate their thirst without the rules imposed by his brother, many followed him.

They waged wars on the packs who were then separate and so, only had themselves to rely on. Many died because of the discord and lack of unity, they were no match for the covens. Old packs in South America were wiped out in a matter of days. Her teacher had always spoken of this part with certain sadness.

Once the other packs realized what was happening they banded together in fear. The Shadow Moon pack, strongest in the Americas called the ten packs to start a council. Their leader Grey wolf sent word to every pack Alpha in the world to join together against the vampires. They would share warriors, healers, and provide the needed materials for each other. In short Grey wolf proposed a war.

Recognizing the threat, they heeded the call and one by one the representatives of each pack showed up to a neutral location on the islands of Hawaii. Black Claw, pack of the Virginians sent their head delta, an expert negotiator and superb warrior. The EastWood pack sent their even then untrustworthy Beta Maxwell to see what was going on. The May Lin Alpha of China sent his trusted adviser, name sake and mate May Lin. There was only one person that could get passed her and that was him. The Crafty Alpha of the Sultana pack Muneer, showed up in disguise as his beta. He was more than confident that the Massas Al- demaa as the vampires were called in his language, would be less than eager to track the sweltering deserts where their powerful enemy, the sun shone brightly and harshly all day.

The young Irish alpha and beta showed up as did the alpha of all-female Greek pack Amazon with her beta alongside. They both caused quite the commotion when the two alphas discovered they were mates. Unknowingly they released the tension that had been building in the meeting room. When the two kissed, the older and already mated representatives looked on with smiles on their faces. It seemed that despite the war they were in, that life would go on.

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