Chapter 2: Panora

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After dinner, Pan went back to her home but she couldn't sleep. The feeling of danger had stiffened her entire being, making her unable to relax. Deval bothered her, and she hated being bothered. As sleep drew her into its warm embrace, she promised to find out why.

The next morning, she dressed in her uniform and shoved down a plum before heading out to work. Upon arrival, she was met by Feely's boisterous voice shouting at her that she would not be serving the guests today for her "insubordination" and that she should be lucky that she hadn't told the Alpha. The towels and sheets on the entire second floor would be changed by her and that if she saw one out of place, she would reduce Pan to nothing more than a dishwasher.

Pan had simply stared at her unblinkingly and left to get a towel and sheet cart from the laundry room.

She spent the whole morning making beds and changing towels in the several rooms on the second floor. Flipping, pulling, tucking, folding, it was all so monotonous and tiring and Pan felt like killing herself, but anyone watching her would have never known. Back straight and hands flying, she got her work done with precise efficiency, never missing a fold or wrinkle. Now only one bathroom was left before she could go downstairs to find out where the snake and Cayden were. She was sure that all her earlier misgivings about Deval were true.

God must have taken pity on Pan because just as the she placed the last towel on the rack, she heard the voices of two maids as they walked into the bedroom.

"So they're done?" one of them asked the other.

"Yep, Brandon told me they just finished clearing all the dishes and the guests are going to look around the pack. Alpha Cayden and Deval are going to talk in the Alpha's office as we speak," came the answer from her companion.

Pan's eyes sharpened as she heard those words. Now if only the two girls outside would leave before Cayden and the snake got to the office.

But no such luck. One of the girls let out a longing sigh, "I was really hopping I'd find my mate yesterday but there's no sign of him."

"Well we haven't quite met everyone in the Eastwood's pack that came. Maybe he'll be around somewhere." This was ended with a sigh more wishful than her friend's .

"I want my mate to be tall and handsome, and I really like a hot blond man. Did you see Alpha Deval's delta? That man had abs to die for." Pan heard her giggle.

Pan's jaw twitched in irritation.

That's enough of that, she decided, pushing the door open.

The maids turn their heads towards Pan, startled by her sudden appearance. They stared at her before averting their eyes and nodding.

"Panora," they said in unison.

Pan ignored them and left the room, heading to one of the most useful places in the entire mansion. It was a small storage room at the end of the hall, and through a well-placed vent in the middle of the wall, hidden behind a tall shelf, one could get above any room in the mansion with ease.

Shutting herself in the room, she quickly moved the shelf and yanked at the vent, quickly slipping inside the aluminum airway. Careful not to make any unnecessary noise, she crawled through the familiar tunnels.

Straight, then the first left and the second turn, she said to herself.

Once she reached her destination, she looked down the vents, clearly seeing the office from a bird's eye view. They weren't there yet.

With stealth and precision, she twisted into a comfortable position. Just as she shifted, the sound of the door opening froze her. She slowly relaxed as she looked down at the two Alphas entering the room. Alpha Cayden gestured Deval to the chair in front of his desk, but Deval didn't see the gesture or he chose to ignore it all together because he walked right past Alpha Cayden and sat in the Alpha's chair right behind his desk.

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