Chapter 13: The vampire Trio pt2

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Back in Romania

Far away in Evangeline's homeland in an English manor sat the most English vampire in all of history. Elliott Edward Redmond twirled the cup of earl grey in hands. He wore a dark blue high collar suit, under his jacket he wore a white crisp white shirt covered with a vest the same color as his suit. His hair the color of white snow was an abundance of curls. a single curl fell on his forehead contrasting with his eyes, the color of ice. In fact ice was the best way to describe the leader of Redmond coven. They called him just that the Ice Prince, named after his demeanor and his power, where Michael was shrouded in darkness, Elliot was shrouded in the bitter cold.

His thoughts were just as occupied as his cousin Evangeline's. Who would dare lay a hand on the vampire royals? A man who wants a death wish would be the fervent answer to that question, now to find him that is the difficult part. Rats, they're pesky animals, forever hiding in the earth yet managing to spread so much terror and fear.

He had called their French cousin to tell him of the new developments and the meeting, Elliot walked away with a much expanded colorful vocabulary. It appeared that even after all these centuries of life a few words had evaded him, and with the ever changing English language he had very little doubt that his cousin would keep him up to date. Conjuring up his power he transported himself to the top of Everest.

Once there he inhaled deeply breathing in the cold air into his lungs. The top was bare only sporting a few rocks and white snow, the whole world could be seen from here if it wasn't night, instead of the world an almost inky blackness could be seen for miles and miles. The wind blew bits of ice and snow making the cold night air even colder. The moon was his only audience. As soon as the thought entered his head it was interrupted by a ball of lighting behind him alerting him to the arrival of the others he turned nodding to each cousin in welcome.

Michal stood in front of him, his dark shoulder length mane blowing in the wind, his red eyes staring out over the mountain and that dark sarcastic grin at home on his face as usual.

Luis' expression was the exact opposite, his handsome face the color of toasted almonds rivaled a thunder cloud. With his short boyish brown hair and hazel eyes he looked the youngest out of the coven leaders but he was the oldest. His temper was also the quickest to rise. Most mortals would think him not a day over eighteen while the others could be placed at their twenties but truly he was older than Michal by 300 years. He turned to Michal and cursed him in French, "I hope that you have bought us here for a good reason Michal. What is this I hear about a revolution? I was under the impression that you had already killed you brother don't tell me you've failed. "

"Calm down cousin," Michal patronized, "the summit is not very wide you might throw yourself off it in a fit."

Safe to say those words did nothing to calm down Luis, in fact it aggravated him more. Just as he was about to spew something vulgar Elliot came between them.

"Calm down you fools we came here to discuss the potential fall of the world as we know it remember," He reminded irritably.

"Right," Michal replied sarcastically rolling his eyes.

Seeing the two had stopped their pettiness he nodded towards Michal to begin, and he did. All reports of taintbloods were spoken of, the body of Maxwell shown, the bloodwood incident, and the human and wolf who had taken down a more than ten taintbloods and changeling in one night.

"Well that is quite something," Luis mumbled afterwards. "If what you say is true then that means there are others working against us in our covens."

Elliot leaned back and inhaled the freezing cold air, "it will not be difficult to find them, and all we must do is look at the families that have opposed us in the past. I do not think that any of our brethren would take part in this folly."

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