Chapter 13: Pan and the Grimwore wolves

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UNEDITED: Sorry for the mistakes

Back in the Mainland Forest

Pan's black brows furrowed in her sleep as a ray of light hit her eyelids. Shaking her head, she rolled over pulled the covers over her body. That did not lull her back into her sweet slumber however and she continued to twist and turn before giving up.

Exhaling loudly she pulled the covers down. She was laying on the soft beige couch at the bottom of Sam's bed and the room was shrouded in darkness save the small ray of light that had peeked in through the thick brown drapes shining down upon her like a spotlight on a stage. It gave the room a peaceful feeling as it landed on Pan's beautiful thick black hair that fell down her shoulders in waves. She stared at it and inhaled deeply stretching her arms and arching her back as she always did every morning.

Mid-stretch and yawn she her eyes flickered to the bed in front of her. Childlike snores could be heard coming from under the blanket where Sam was snuggled deeply in a soft duvet. Untangling her legs from the blanket she steadily put one foot down on the cold wooden floor the other one quickly following. Instantly she missed the warmth of the couch but, one had to what one had to do.

Walking carefully to Sam's bedside she peered at his little sleeping face protruding from the covers he had untucked and pulled over his head in his sleep. Pan gazed at him and smiled softly. Reaching out her hand, she gently brushed the golden hair off of his forehead. He looked so peaceful and serene she mused. And in those few minutes of tranquility she sat watching his calm face devoid of hardships and suffering, sleeping deep and comfortably without a care in the world.

But soon, the tender expression on her face was demolished by her eyebrows as they drew together sharply. The depraved harshness of her reality crashed down upon her. This was temporary, soon there will be chaos and mayhem, her babe would have to grow up faster than she wanted him to. They could no longer return to their peaceful home, taintbloods where after them, and to make matters worse, a Grimwore Alpha wolf was her mate. She sighed heavily and walked to the bathroom, the beautiful spell of harmonious peace, gone.

Once in the bathroom she pulled off her shirt and looked into the mirror above the sink. Green eyes looked back at her. Her proudest asset. They were the color of emeralds with the barest hints of gold or as Doe had so nicely put it well watered grass.

Delicately crowned by black arched brows, below her eyes a straight nose and plump bow shaped lips that seemed to be stained red. Dark black hair waved and curled in tendrils over her forehead and down her back, it looked like a nest, she had the worst bed head.

Her skin was pale, but she didn't miss the circles under her eyes that told how stressful the last 24 hours had been. Taking off the rest of her clothes she pushed back the shower curtain and stepped in. One quick look at the shower head told her that along with recreating the house Doe had added some extra things. A turbo power 30000 shower head looked back at her from the wall. She set the spray setting to massage and stood under the rain of water letting all it melt all her worries away.

After showering she came out to Doe shouting a reminder that breakfast was almost ready and she had better get down before he was done. Hurrying her go out and dried herself with a towel before wrapping it around her and walking out of the bathroom. The next two minutes was spent getting dressed, brushing her hair with one hand and grabbing underwear, a tank top, black cargo pants, with the other she moved around the room trying not to wake Sammy. She slipped on her underwear very awkwardly under her towel and paused her brushing long enough to slip on the rest.

By the time she had finished her hair was back to its silky wavy tresses twisting it she pulled it into a hasty bun before slapping a cap over it. She reached back in her closet and grabbed a red checkered buttoned down shirt that she put on over her tank top not bothering to button it. Last came her boots, black leather and calf length they were her favorite. All kinds of things could be hidden in them and her pants legs were long enough to cover them till her ankles.

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