3 - Glow

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The ride to the apartment complex where the party was presumably held was long and silent, Stiles pulling up the old Jeep on the curb and turning off the ignition. I made a small movement to open the door but stopped when the doors locked loudly. Looking over at Stiles i gave a small 'what the hell?' look earning a shrug as he turned his body to face me.

"Is this where i scream for help? You know i really could have taken my own car.." I say awkwardly in about one breath. He chuckled, a small smile appearing on his face.

"No, i just want to talk, and you didn't know where to go anyway, i can drop you back at your car afterwards." 

"Well...what do you want to talk about?" I gulped, weirdly nervous as his demeanor changed ever so slightly to replicate my own nervousness. He audibly sighed with a sad look on his face

"Just...are you okay? I mean i know you didn't want to talk about it today but i know how horrible panic attacks are and if it happens often maybe you should talk to someone about it. Do your parents know?" I shivered, not enough for him to notice, at the idea of sharing my life story with someone i hadn't said a word to before yesterday.

"Uh...yeah they know!" I smiled fakely "They're really supportive about it, they help me out loads!" At this, the boy opposite me looked noticeably more relaxed, his shoulders releasing the tension they held moments before. He smiled

"Okay, good! Now lets go party!"


The huge sliding door to the apartment opened with a thud to reveal a large group of scantily clad teens dancing against one another, glowing with what i can only assume to be paint with added phosphors that are picked up by the blacklight. I turned my head to Scott and Kira who were looking past me. Turning i saw Stiles, suddenly with very orange, very defined lip marks on his cheek and a brightly glowing girl by his side. His expression briefly held delight and surprise before he was lead away very willingly into the writhing mess of a party. I turned back to Scott and Kira, expecting them to be there but finding the spot to my left empty, the pair also making their way into the mix. Okay. so i'm here, at the house of someone i don't know, with about a hundred horny teenagers and not one person in sight i know or could talk to. Great.

I spotted a couch to the side of the huge loft, quickly making me way over and taking a seat, attempting to tune out to the noise around me and focus on planning the chemistry assignment that was set the previous day. Not long into that however, i spotted a flash of red hair outside the large windows. Though the weather was warm, the temperature had significantly dropped outside, why would Lydia be out there all alone? Unable to suppress my curiosity i weaved through the crowd and finally found the door to the balcony. 

"Lydia? what are you doing?" i called as i walked outdoors, just in time to see her crumple into a heap, 3 men in black suddenly disappearing from around her. I blinked. That wasn't real was it? no! of course it wasn't. I confirmed, people don't just disappear. I turned my attention back towards the shivering girl just meters from me, rushing towards her and kneeling down. 

Her hand was freezing, in fact, her whole body was freezing to the point where hypothermia was not out of the question. "Lydia?" I called again, "can you hear me? It's Freya. I'll get you inside and safe okay? we'll get help." I lifted her small body, still to heavy for me to properly carry. "Sorry, oops, sorry" i mumbled, her feet dragging over the step of the door way. She let out a small yet strangled moan, whispering five words that i could never unhear.

"They came out of nowhere."


Once i managed to get Lydia lain down by a heating vent an extremely worried looking boy half-walked, half-ran towards us. 

"What did you do?" He demanded, grabbing my wrist and causing me to jump backwards into a wall. "What did you do to her?" 

"Nothing!" i choked back "I went to see if she was okay on the balcony and she just collapsed after those..." I stopped, neglecting the piece of information that would make me sound like i belonged in a mental institution. "I helped her, I'm helping her." I concluded carefully. He made a sound almost equatable with a snarl as he searched my eyes for a few seconds before be finally let go of me wrist. I rubbed the sore skin, examining the area where it appeared as though his nails had dug into me, drawing small drops of blood.

"Well go get some blankets if you're so keen on helping" he said loudly over the ridiculous music. I nod furiously, beginning to search for something to keep Lydia warm. Stumbling upon a cupboard of a small number of towels and blankets i mentally cheer at the small victory before shrinking back at a sudden roaring voice. 

"GET OUT!" a man screamed from somewhere within the party, presumably the owner of the loft, seen as none of the attendees could possibly afford it. Snatching a bundle of thick blankets in my hands i hurry out. This guy may be mad, but somewhere in there Lydia still needed help. I made a dash towards her, just beginning to regain awareness and draped one blanket over her lap and helping her draw the other around her shoulders. Suddenly i was very aware that there were far fewer people in the room than previously, the rest of the guests, except for about 6, which include Scott, Kira, the twins, two others and a man i'd never seen before - most likely the angry owner of the apartment. Stiles, the person i had come with and my ride back to my car, had gone. Realising no-one had seen me re-enter the room, i gave Lydia a small smile

"Will you be okay?" i mouthed, earning a fraction of a nod. I leapt up, quickly and quietly walking to the huge door. Before i got there however, a man clad in total darkness, not even black, just a cloak of shadow with a creepy as Satan himself mask, literally materialised before me. Holy crap i really am going crazy. He took a step forward. I took a step back, then several until i was pressed against a wall. Great. I'm going to die, this is it. i thought to myself. The man/possible-manifestation-of-my-aparent-mental-issues reached behind my ear, and for a second, i could have sworn his eyes glowed brightly and i felt a searing sensation. Not one moment later he was gone, and with a loud gasp, i collapsed in a heap. 


"Well?" I hear a voice that's far too loud "Why isn't she awake?" Another voice responds, a girl this time

"Maybe it's because she's not supernatural?" 

"Why was she still here? Shouldn't she have left with all the others?" A lower voice asks. I feel my finger twitch. My eyes fluttering open to fall upon a group of worried individuals, all far too close for my liking. If it wasn't for the intense cold i was experiencing i would be asking them to get away. The same voice speaks, belonging to the unknown man and owner of the loft. "Why are you still here?"

"I-I-I was tr-rying t-to he-elp" I stutter through chattering teeth. Aiden clears his throat

"My fault" he says, raising his hand "I sent her to get blankets for Lydia, she bought her in from the balcony when it got her" I tried to speak again, this time with more success

"I n-need to go, my b-brother will be worried ab-bout me" I attempt to stand, falling back again and causing increasingly deep frowns into the foreheads of those around me. "Wha-t's the time?" The unknown man looked at his watch

"Almost 4am"

"Please just let me go, he's a deputy at the Sheriff's station. I'd be surprised if he didn't already have a search team out." Scott shook his head

"How'd you get here, with Stiles?" he asked. I nodded in reply. "Okay, i have to take Kira home, and you definitely can't hold onto a motorbike, um... Derek? can you drive her to the Sheriff's station?" The man, identified as Derek, didn't look pleased but nodded none the less

"Come on, what was your name?" 


"Okay then Freya, hold onto me alright, ill get you home." With the help of Scott i was lifted from the ground and placed carefully in Derek's arms. An awkward situation? yes, but considering that i was still unable to stand it was necessary. 


20 minutes later i was sitting in one of the chairs in the lobby of the station waiting for my brother and boy, did he look pissed when he came in.

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