19 - A divine move

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-Stiles' POV-

"Here, it'll calm you." Noshiko said softly as she offered me a steaming cup.

"What is it?" I asked tiredly as i reached for it.

"Tea," She put simply

"Magic tea?" I half joked, though at this point it wouldn't be surprising.

"No, Chamomile tea, drink it." She answered, placing a cup into the delicate and shaking hands of the girl sitting beside me on the sofa. She hadn't said a word since we left the station to come here, and even then she had only nodded and trailed behind me when Parrish suggested that she went with me. She looked up with poorly hidden tears in her eyes and gave a small, sad smile of thanks as her fingers wrapped around the cup. 

"He's not safe here." Mr Yukimura declared as he entered the room. 

"He's not safe anywhere." Noshiko pointed out blatantly, returning her own cup to the tray.

"But Allison killed one of them, doesn't that mean something? She killed an Oni." Kira's soft voice said from my other side. At the mention of Allison, new tears formed in Freya's eyes, making the vibrant green irises seem fluorescent. Scott explained briefly what had happened, how it seemed like her healing abilities were working, until they didn't. He explained how pale Freya had become, almost like she was the one  dying, before Allison took her last breath, and the horror on her face when she opened her eyes to see that she had failed. I tore my eyes from her and settled them back on Mr Yukimura as he spoke again.

"But is that even possible?" He asked his wife.

"I'm not sure how..." She began to reply

"No, but she did it, she killed one of them." Kira interrupted. 

"Yeah, and then they killed her." I finished, my eyes resting on my hands as i fiddled with my fingers. My chest felt, ironically, like an empty void. It was all my fault. "Allison's dead. I guess the only good thing is it looks like i'm dying too." I meant it. I can't do it anymore. All of this, not when i had caused the injuries of multiple of my friends and the death of one. 

"Don't." Freya choked out the first word she had said the whole time. Everyone's eyes flicked over to her. "Don't ever say that." Though we all looked at her, she looked only at me.

"You don't understand, I..." I tried to start but she wasn't having it. 

"I do! I know exactly how you feel, i feel it too!" She all but yelled, trying and failing to blink away the tears streaming out of her eyes "I feel every fucking thing that you do, and every one else in the room! Don't tell me that i don't know how you feel because i'm probably the only one who does. I feel how in pain you are it hurts like hell. I feel your guilt and i feel the crushing sadness of everyone around us. Do you know how it feels to see your child die? Because i do! I felt what Argent did when he saw his daughter lying dead because i couldn't save her. I... I have to... I need to go... home. I need to go home." As she finished she leapt to her feet, staggering a little before placing the cup gently on the table and rushing out of the door. 

"Follow her." Noshiko said to her husband quietly, who proceeded to jog out of the door. 

"So what's our move?"


-Freya's POV- 

"Freya!" Mr Yukimura called from behind me, "Wait!" I slowed my paces, quickly wiping my sleeve across my eyes angrily before turning. "Let me drive you home, you can't walk from here."

"Uh, thank you." I mumbled a little, embarrassed by my meltdown. I thought for a brief moment before deciding what i needed to do. "Actually, can you take me to Deaton's?" He nodded, gesturing for me to follow him to his car.

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