13 - All kinds of crazy

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Stiles' POV

"So..." Someone began, a female voice, breaking the silence "Your girlfriend's all kinds of crazy." I frowned deeply and looked up in the mirror to see that Malia was standing, shrouded in steam, in the shower behind me. I covered my eyes

"I didn't see anything!" I exclaimed quickly

"Don't worry you're not in the girls room, they keep the water temperature too low and every since i became human i can't seem to get warm" She walked out of the shower, walking slowly towards me as she wrapped herself in a towel. "So," She said again "What's wrong with your girlfriend?"

"Freya?" I asked, raising my eyebrows, She nodded "She's not crazy. And not my girlfriend." It was her turn to raise her eyebrows.

"Stiles, She just collapsed and woke up screaming. I think an exorcism may be necessary." She half laughed. Her light view on the topic annoyed me. "Also I'd like you to remember that i'm a werecoyote that can hear your heartbeat. It just went a hell of a lot faster" I shook my head

"So, It's just the room, the steams making me hot"

"You're lying, and you don't need to be Supernatural to have seen the way you looked at her when you found her... Or the way you defended her against the dick-head orderly" She said, unamused as she tried to listen to my heartbeat. "It's okay to like her"

"Of course i like her, we're friends" I said, trying desperately to look into her eyes and no where else in case she thought i was checking her out. She laughed and put her hands up on either side of her head before quickly putting them down again so the towel didn't fall

"Fine. You win!" She exclaimed a little too loud 


Freya's POV

I sat on the edge of the small bed contemplating the conversation i had had a little over an hour ago. I had heard a commotion from down stairs and didn't move at all. I simply stared at the same smudge on the wooden floor that i had been before. 

An hour after that and i was staring at the ceiling until someone burst through the door, panting. 

"Malia?" I asked, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed and standing up. "What are you doing..?"

"Stiles. Now" She began to move, fast and i sprinted after her, panting heavily as we slowed. 

"What are you?" I said, leaning my hands on my knees as i caught my breath. No human moves that fast. 

"Werecoyote," She said like it was the simplest thing in the world

"Oh, of course, why not!" i quietly exclaimed to myself, forgetting that she would be able to hear every word. 

"You sound just like him" She laughed, "Now let's get your boyfriend out of here."

"He's not my..." I began to protest but she wasn't listening. Instead, she had turned around and applied pressure to the lock on a door. A loud click echoed through the hall and I quickly glanced left and right to check that no-one was coming. We were safe; for now. I turned back to the door just as Malia threw it open, stepping aside so that I could run past her; I wish I could say I did that gracefully, but after seeing a passed out Stiles on the floor, it was more of a frantic stumble. Malia swiftly shut the door and kept watch through the small, dirty window

I leant down beside him and placed my hands on his shoulders, shaking softly. "Stiles" I called, trying to get him to wake up. "Stiles!" I tried, louder and shaking him harder. It reminded me of the night in the woods when I had no idea the supernatural even existed. 

"You might want to hurry," Malia suggested urgently "Someone might find us"

"Stiles!" I tried, louder still "Come on you sarcastic idiot you're scaring me" He didn't move. I almost felt bad for waking him, knowing how much he needed a rest but it had to be done. I shook him hard and glanced up to Malia for suggestions, only receiving a hard 'i dunno it's your job' stare. I gulped and looked at Stiles' face. He looked peaceful and hell, it probably wouldn't even work right? With a heavy sigh and all to aware that Malia was watching my every move, i gripped his t shirt and pulled him up as i leant down, bringing my lips to his. 

I felt him shudder awake and quickly detached my lips, letting go of his shirt. 

"Wha...?" He stuttered, sitting up quickly and searching my eyes. 

"I, uh..." I began "You weren't waking up and i... uh..." He gave me a small smile and brought me into a tight hug 

"Uh..." Malia said from the other side of the room. We both glanced over, slowly pushing ourselves off of the floor. "Sure she's not your girlfriend" She scoffed, only looking at Stiles. I glanced at him inquisitively but he simply shook his head

"How did you even get in here?" He asked, looking between us

"I can be pretty strong when i try" Malia said "Any way, let's go!" I followed closely behind Stiles until i realised something 

"I gotta go!" I said quickly, coming to a halt. Stiles looked confused "Morrell wanted to talk to me again later," I explained "She'll get suspicious" He nodded and mouthed 'stay safe' before running after Malia. I walked swiftly back through the corridors, trying to get away as quickly as possible so that no one wondered what was so special about that particular hallway. I rounded another corner, only to bump into someone.

"Oliver?" I asked looking up at the boy who i had met on one of my first visits to Eichen. In his hand he grasped an object around the size of a phone but i couldn't see what it was. "What are you doing?" He had a far off look 

"I took the taser, I took it" He said with a slight stutter. 

"What?" I asked as his arm quickly rose and i finally understood what was in his hand. Electricity surged through my body and i dropped against the wall with a shudder, succumbing, for a second time that day, to darkness.


Slightly shorter one this time round but hey, it's the second in about 2 hours! Looking for some feedback so i know how i'm going so far so let me know! :) 

Also..... Eeeee! She kissed him and Malia was being silly.


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