5 - Hospital

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We pulled up at the hospital with a sudden jolt of the old blue Jeep, Stiles practically falling out of the door to run around the front, pausing briefly with his hands on the hood of the Jeep and looking up at me with worried eyes. He looked exhausted and as though he was either I'll or missed a week of sleep. He shook his head and ran around to my door, pulling it open quickly. "Are you okay?" He asked. I gave a small shrug with a smile and hopped out of the car, wincing as my feet hit the pavement bellow and a rush of pain struck my head once again. 

 "I'll be fine Stiles, I guess it's just a bad headache-migrane hybrid, I'll ask for some Tylenol and it will be okay" he audibly sighed and began to walk to the hospital entrance, occasionally shooting me a worried glance as I trailed behind him. "Really, I'm sure it's nothing" I assured him as we walked through the doors "you don't need to worry about me okay, we don't even really know each other" he nodded glumly 

 "I shouldn't have left you, I, I just had to go check something" we paused by the front desk. I placed my hand gently on his arm 

 "Stiles we've had this conversation okay? Its alright." The woman at the desk looked up when I said his name, a slight look of fear on her features 

 "Melissa, could we see someone?" She smiled at him sadly, her eyes flickering to me questioningly before back to him

 "All the doctors are busy, what can I help you with?" He ran his fingers through his hair and glanced at me 

 "Her head is pounding and I, well I don't know what's wrong with me" my mind and vision clouded, making me zone out as the boy next to me recited a series of symptoms to the nurse whom, it quickly became apparent, he clearly knew. I shook myself out of the daze as she stood up and we were lead down the hallway into an empty room and chewed on my lip, anticipating having to describe my own symptoms to a stranger - as nice as that stranger might be. Stiles sat on the bed whilst I took a seat belt the window, massaging my temples to sooth my headache. 

"Stiles" I heard the nurse whisper "I saw the mark, is there, is she? Is there something else going on here?" I furrowed my brow at the question, am I what? What else could possibly be going on? I looked up to see him nod. Both looked over to me and quickly away when they realised I was watching them. Finally, after some conversation and my lip being bitten until the taste of blood flooded my mouth, Stiles lay down on the bed and was given a shot of something to help him sleep. I had to look away for that part, i've never been fond of needles. I had been oblivious to most of what was happening across from me until Stiles spoke.

"Thanks mum" My heart broke when he uttered those words, and clearly so did the nurse's because she paused, looking at his now sleeping form with a sad smile before turing to me. "Hi sweetheart, I'm nurse McCall"

"Scott's mum?" i asked. She nodded with a smile

"Are you two friends?" 

"Sort of-not really, we have a few classes together"She nodded again

"Well feel free to call me Melissa. What should i call you?" 

"Freya" I said quickly " My name's Freya"

"And how can i help you, Freya?" She grinned. She seemed kind, the sort of person you could trust to take care of you or make you a cup of tea when you were sad. She reminded me of my mum. Shaking of the thought i smiled before wincing at the reminder of my pounding head. "Hey," She said softly "What's going on?"

"My head is pounding and it feels like i've been branded behind my ear. I know that's silly but i can't really see it and it feels like a burn" She thought for a moment as though unsure of how to move forward in the situation.

"Okay love, I'll get you something for your head, as for the burn i didn't see anything.... It could be because of the headache. I'll be right back, okay?" I nodded although, unexplainably, i knew she was lying, at least about some of what she had said. 

A few minutes later she returned with a glass of water and two tablets in her hand. 

"Here you go" She said quietly, careful not to worsen my head which already felt as though it may explode any moment, "Try to close your eyes, i assume you're not going back to school, correct?" I nodded before reaching out and taking the tablets from her hand, putting them on my tongue and gulping down water. She turned to leave.

"Uh, thank you Ms Mc..." She cocked her head to the side, "Uh, Melissa". I saw a grin on her face as she left, shutting the door behind her. Okay. Time to relax. I shifted in the chair several time, unable to get comfortable and letting out a huff of air. Silently, i moved the chair to beside the bed holding a sleeping Stiles and, sitting down, i leant my head onto my crossed arms supported by the mattress. All too quickly, my eyes closed, and i became unconscious from the world around me.


When i awoke the windows had darkened and there was a surprising lack of Stiles in the room, the covers pushed towards my arms instead of over a sleeping form. I lifted my head, which still faintly throbbed, and walked to the doorway, bracing my hands on either side of the frame as i leant out. 

"Stiles?" i called out of the empty hall. "Stiles?" No answer. I crept out and walked down the hall until suddenly a body crashed into mine.

"Freya?" He said, clearly as surprised as i was. I shook my head, regaining my bearings and looked up, sighing with relief.

"Stiles" He looked worried, more so than before. He looked scared. "Stiles, what's wrong? did something happen?" He shook his head

"Uh, no, nothing, just went for a bit of a walk to wake up." He glanced quickly all around us and, once again, unexplainably, i knew i was being lied to. 


Okay, so what did you think? Do you think Freya's human, or something more? 

Dun Dun DUNNNNNN. only time will tell ;) 

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