8 - Getting to know eachother

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The hospital room was cold and too white. My knees stung from the alcohol that had been applied. My head throbbed from the 3 small stitches holding together torn skin. Most of all, the eyes of my furious brother bore into my skull, hurting more than anything. 

"You went alone, into the preserve." He reminded me 

"I know," I sighed

"At 2am" He fumed


"You fell, tearing up your knees."

"I'm clumsy as anything"

"And you needed fucking stitches! Because you were trying to save someone who you didn't have to!" I snapped at that

"Don't give me that! I know i didn't have to and i don't know why i did it but he's a good guy and i couldn't sit still for one second knowing he was out there alone!" I stood from the bed, getting angrier still "And you! You're a fucking deputy! You go out every night and get shot at, you risk your life for people 'you don't need to save'" I mocked him for the last part, making my voice higher "Don't you know what that does to me? I lost them and i can't lose you too!" I yelled, tears now streaming down my face "So don't you dare give me that lecture!" The door was thrown open, The Sheriff leaning through

"Hey, everything okay in here?" He called, sounding concerned and surprised. I scowled 

"He was just going that's all"

"I was not!" Jordan countered "Can we talk about this please!"

"We've talked enough" I said, far softer than i had previously been talking 

"but.." I turned away from him, sitting on the edge of the bed and holding my arms across my chest as i wept pathetically

"Parrish, i think you should head out" The Sheriff suggested

"Sir," i heard my brother plead. I knew he was only worried but i was pissed

"Out deputy, that's an order!" Stilinski said finally, though his tone was soft. With a huff Jordan left the room and the door closed. I turned around, expecting to be alone, only to see the Sheriff standing at the end of the bed. 

"Hello" I said carefully "Sorry" He shook his head, chuckling

"You have nothing to apologise for, In fact, it's quite the opposite."

"He just babies me too much" I explained but he shook his head

"Not that. Thank you, for finding my son. I don't know how you knew and i don't give a damn. Just... Thank you, and i'm sorry you got hurt" He finished, my eyes widened slightly

"Are you serious? It's fine i just wanted to do something. Could you do me a favour?" I asked

"Anything, after what you just did i owe you" He said genuinely 

"Don't tell Stiles. That it was him who did this, I mean" I said, pointing to my stitches "He doesn't know and i really don't think it would help right now" His smile warmed to a grin 

"You're just like him, you know? Too selfless for your own good sometimes. Running off to help someone as soon as you're needed, and far more intelligent than anyone you're age should be" It was my turn to grin "Honestly i'm surprised you guys didn't become friends sooner given the amount of time you both spend at the station" I shrugged

"I don't really like talking to new people" I said a little ashamed, i looked at my feet.

"Hey, it's okay! Well you're friends now aren't you?" I looked up again with a grin 

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